Or how fleas can jump 150 times their own height? These questions and more are answered in this book that explores the lives of some of the most irritating buzzing, biting and stinging insects. Teaching readers that perhaps these pesky insects might not be so bad after all. ...
with its vibrant colors and strikingforewings. As she took notes, she noticed acaterpillarmunching on a leaf nearby. She remembered that this little creature would eventually spin acocoonand transform into a beautiful butterfly.
A sample of two males and one female was sent to me, and on examination was found to contain an unknown species of Salticidae that is not native to either the UK or continental Europe. Further study revealed that it belongs to an undescribed species of the Caribbean genusAnasaitisBryant, 18...
It is reported that there are over 2100 species of insects consumed in 113 countries (Chantawannakul 2020; Yen 2009), mostly in Latin America, Asia, Europe, and Africa, where insects contribute to cultural norms as food, medicine, and religious practices (Gahukar 2018; Raheem et al. 2019...
That’s when we start to call them pests.Humans have caused some insect species to be moved from one part of the world to another—deliberately or by accident. If the introduced insect species has no natural enemies in their new home, they can become a real problem. A recent UK example...
The largest living insect, the cricket-like New Zealand giant wētā, or wētāpunga, weighs about half that (but still outweighs a mouse or a sparrow!) [sources: NZDoC, The Telegraph [UK]]. One the smaller end of the scale, insects are wonders of miniaturization. Shakespeare's Hamlet ...
The majority of insects lay eggs that develop and hatch outside of the mother. However, there are a handful of insect species that reproduce via different methods, such as those listed below. Juvenile aphids, tsetse flies, and certaincockroachesare ovoviviparous, which means that the eggs devel...
Ok, sorry about that. The next pictures include a frontal view, and there you can see that she has impressive mandibles. This is typical of solitary wasps that carry prey to their lair. Next up are more insects. I always pass a field of sunflowers on the way to one of the area park...
Now, Kevin Gorman at the biotechnology firm Oxitec in Abingdon, UK, and his colleagues have genetically modified males of the mosquito species Aedes aegypti in a way that dramatically cuts the insect's population. Across all mosquito species, only females bite. A. aegypti females can spread ...
The reason is that when the respondents do not have money to buy other animal protein or meat types, they will opt for edible insects. Gahukar (2020) opined that edible insects obtained from the wild are often cheap and could be affordable for rural dwellers. Lastly, the study reveals ...