The many species of aphids attack a large number of plants, from roses to oranges. This small insect sucks the sap from orange leaves and causes them to become puckered, twisted and yellow. In severe infestations, leaves will drop and the tree’s branches can die back. Ants eat the sweet...
C.The protectionist hypothesis is that extrafloral nectar attracts ants, and that the ants, in order to preserve this energy-rich food source, attack insects that might harm the plant. D.Evidence accumulated during the twentieth century proved that ants provide significant benefits for plants with ...
They attack lilies and other plants by sucking out the juices; what it can't digest it excretes as "honeydew," which can cause mold problems on anything it comes in contact with. The most organic way to dislodge aphids from lilies is to spray them with the most powerful setting on you...
Hornets are beelike insects that sometimes attack people. If you are really angry, you might say you are mad as a hornet. Butterflies are beautiful insects, but you would not want to have butterflies in your stomach. That means to be nervous about having to do something, like speaking in...
(structuresthatproducenectar)onstems,leaves,leafstems,orotherstructures.These plantsusuallyoccurwhereantsareabundant,mostinthetropicsbutsomeintemperate areas.AmongthoseofnortheasternNorthAmericaarevariousplums,cherries,roses, hawthorns,poplars,andoaks.Likefloralnectar,extrafloralnectarconsistsmainlyofwater withahigh...
原文定位:通过the opponents of the “protectionist” hypothesis定位到第二句话,但是这句话只说了这个观点和保护主义假说的反对意见受到争议,所以他们具体的立场应该看首句Biologists once thought that secretion of extrafloral nectar has some purely internal physiological function, and that ants provide no ...
Protection of Plants by Insects Many plants – one or more species of at least 68 different families – can secrete nectar even when they have no blossoms, because they bear extrafloral nectaries (structures that produce nectar) on stems, leaves, leaf stems, or other structures. These plants ...
This predatory mite attack those tiny little thrips by going after the immature stages. Thrips will distort flowers like gladiolas, dahlias and especially roses. Many vegetable plants are also affected. White Fly Control (Encarsia Formosa)
is but a few hundred steps away, with its tangle of arbutus, rock-roses and arborescent heather; with its sandy spaces dear to the Bembeces; with its marly slopes exploited by different Wasps and Bees. And that is why, foreseeing these riches, I have abandoned the town for the village ...
Pathogenic invasion of plants may require sophisticated structures for penetration of host tissues and can elicit a range of host responses such as production of defensive compounds, callus tissue, galls and necroses to seal wounded or infected areas. Fossil diseases primarily are diagnosed from ...