Edible insectsrepresent a novel and sustainable protein source for humans and have enormous potential as ingredients for wellness foods. There is growing evidence to support the concept of “the use of insects for foods”. However, currently the demand for the development and commercialisation of ins...
both of which are hexapod outgroups within the Arthropoda. In these organisms,dsxpre-mRNA shows no sign of alternative splicing and directs sexual fate via sex-biased expression in males. The extent of conservation of this critical gene throughout hexapods however ...
the potential pollinators are represented by insects that can function even at low temperatures, as in the case of early-flowering Amaryllidaceae which are pollinated by cold-tolerant Andrenidae (Herrera1995). The role of temperature as a limiting factor is confirmed by Campanulaceae which...
In Yersinia, temperature-dependent gene expression has been described to be an important theme in bacterial mechanisms of pathogenesis towards humans [116]. However, the biological role of genes repressed at body temperature, but induced at environmental temperature, has been underinvestigated so far....
IDEA":"This idea has been marked as abuse","preModCommentAuthorText":"This comment will be published as soon as it is approved","preModCommentModeratorText":"This comment is awaiting moderation","messageMarkedAsOther":"This post has been rejected due to other reasons","messageMarkedAsOther@...
Functional SXLF protein (produced only in the female) then splices tra pre-mRNA to encode functional TRAF protein, which in turn splices dsx pre-mRNA in the female specific manner. Male-specific SXLM and TRAM are truncated and do not appear functional, resulting in male-specific dsx mRNA. As...
Progress is required in response to how cities can support greater biodiversity. This calls for more research on how landscape designers can actively shape urban ecologies to deliver context-specific empirical bases for green space intervention decisions
,37]. Compound 10, Calosmo pobotuaninde1d0i,naltshoeofbertamineendtaitniotnheoffethrme esunbtasttiroanteo3f,twheasunbosttrfaotrem3e,dwas not formed by the enzymatbicy sthysetemnzyomf Mat.icplsuymstbeemus,obf uMt .bpyluamcibdeurse,abrruatnbgyemaceindt roefar3rainngtheme ceunlttuorfe3 in...
The theme of this contribution in his honor is one that he has championed throughout his career. Alessandra della Torre kindly contributed to developing Figure 1. Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest. References 1. Morgan, T.H. Evolution and Adaptation; Macmillan:...
This study investigates consumer preference and acceptance of three meat alternatives—plant-based, lab-grown, and insect-based—as sustainable choices to meet the demands of a growing population and evolving food systems. Insights were gathered from Eur