Figure 4. Diagram illustrating the multifunctional role of insect granule-containing cells (= granular cells or cystocytes).Modified from Ratcliffe and Rowley (1987) with permission of CRC Press, Inc. There is also disagreement regarding the role of the agglutinins in immune recognition. Anderson ...
Access to the respiratory system of houseflies is through the mesothoracic and metathoracic spiracles, and dense microtrichia around each spiracle could act as filters to prevent particles entering the trachea35. We detected very few particles around the perimeter of each spiracle (Fig. S2i, j),...
Diagram of TSWV virion (F). A double-layered membrane of host origin (blue) is shown with the viral-encoded proteins GN and GC (green) projecting from the surface in monomeric and dimeric configurations. The genomic RNA is presented as ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex created by its association...
(C) Venn diagram displaying proteins detected in Eyford et al. and our study. (D) Correlation of protein abundance changes in the two studies. The Spearman's rank correlation rho=0.7 (p-value < 2.2e-16). For colors of the circles see (B). Full size image...
The diagram shows the reverse complement of a segment of the GenBankTM sequence AC004423 (nucleotides 16,736–13,184). The boxes denote the coding sequence only.Filled boxes correspond to Dm-peritrophin-15a (Dm15a) and Dm-peritrophin-15b (Dm15b). Thehatched boxes correspond to the C-ty...