Nevertheless, comparing plumage coloration in all passerine genera that commonly consume fruits and nectar with strictly insectivorous genera in a field guide of neotropical birds [53] shows a difference in plumage: genera feeding on fruits and nectar (e.g. tanagers and cotingas) are more often ...
The most recent, updated version includes2025 Louisiana Field Crops Insect Pest Management Guideand can be found below. 2025 Louisiana Field Crops Insect Management Guide See full PDF. Introduction Introduction PDF Insect Identification Services
Field Guide to Plant Disases, Insect Pasts and Weeds in FSM, 密克罗尼西亚联邦为“路”沿线国家,位于中部太平洋地区,属加罗林群岛,东西延伸2500公里。属热带海洋性气候。本书对该国农业病虫草害识别与防治进行了较为全面、系统的阐述,包含病虫害的主要识别特征、具
Insects All Article TypesArticleReviewCommunicationEditorialAbstractBook ReviewBrief CommunicationBrief ReportCase ReportClinicopathological ChallengeCommentCommentaryConcept PaperConference ReportCorrectionCreativeData DescriptorDiscussionEntryEssayExpression of ConcernExtended AbstractField GuideGiants in UrologyGuidelinesHypothesi...
Current Opinion in Insect Scienceis a systematic review journal that provides specialists with a unique and educational platform to keep up to date with the expanding volume of information published in the field of Insect Science. For such a broad discipline, we have determined themed sections, …...
Stan Dobson was a British arachnologist from Manchester, who contributed to spider records across Northern England and was an Honorary Member of theBritishArachnologicalSociety(BAS). Dobson’s spider collection, field notebooks and illustrations are housed in the Entomology Department at MM. Most of ...
We advise you to remove all field codes before submitting your manuscript to any reference management software product. If a template is not available for this journal, follow the format given in examples in the reference style section of this Guide for Authors....
National Environment Agency (Singapore) tested different mosquito release strategies ("rolling-carpet” and “targeted”) before starting this field study (NEA | Multi-site Field Study). The current Phase 3 study is a two-arm, cluster randomized trial that compares dengue case incidence between ...
The use of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to analyze and classify sounds produced by living organisms has gained attention from the scientific community due to the diverse applications and the cross-disciplinary nature of the field. For instance, some of the applications include...
Thus, in contrast to previous studies that focused on individual aspects of this paradigm, it offers a new perspective on the current state of knowledge through a holistic exploration of the field; and it does so by employing for the first time two complementary methodologies—the Preferred ...