Most insect bite reactions resolve spontaneously and uneventfully. Secondary infection may occur, particularly when the patient has been scratching excessively. Scratching and infection can lead to scarring. A persistent local reaction to the bite of an infecteddeertick is a characteristic finding in Ly...
The ants of the Formicidae family have a true sting apparatus. When they bite, they anchor by theirmandiblesand pivot to administer multiple stings. Ants of the genusSolenopsisare widespread in the southeastern United States, and stings occur so frequently that in many areas, as much as 50% ...
An African insect (Glossina morsitans) whose bite is commonly regarded as nature's most efficacious remedy for insomnia, though some patients prefer that of the American novelist (Mendax interminabilis.)— Ambrose Bierce The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce (1911), Vol. 7, The Devil's Dictiona...
“Naturalist” started accompanying me everywhere. One moment in particular vividly stands out. I was on a vacation with my parents in the mountains, and for some reason found myself hiking alone up a steep road on a hill one evening, “Naturalist” in hand. When I got to the top of t...
They’re dirty. They bite. They are carriers of diseases, bacteria and parasites. They infest human spaces, cause damage, contaminate food, set up home where they’re not wanted (everywhere) and businesses are forced to spend money on robust pest control measures to keep their numbers under ...