Facebook Twitter user @Ink_Virtue got the ball rolling on this theory and Reddit usermtws25connected all the pieces. They believe that gamers are currently LIVING in the firstPokémongame in thePokémontimeline. Before Gen 1, there wasPokémon GO. They explain that, because not all ...
"Our beautiful Luck wasn't so lucky recently," he wrote on Facebook about his ravaged home: "Last week's tornado force winds ripped several buildings apart, including the bank, the post office, and left World Headquarters holding on by a splinter. We are happy to report no one was hu...
As our technology continues to advance and we are get lighter, stronger cameras, cameramen get in on the action. Here are the most insane camera moves pulled off during an action sequence.
when it strikes its target, sends a jolt of electricity like a stun gun and leaves a little kitty face imprint wherever the punch lands. Keep this handy for when you need to travel through the bad part of town. Any thug who tries to mug you won’t know what hit them!
未来主义·科幻风·机械体改造②#AI插画 | 是人,还是机器人?是科幻故事中永不过时的对抗路设定。关键词:Generate super detailed all white illustration . The main character is a beautiful android girl . Round eyes . Her hair color is pure white . Her hair style is ponytail. her eyes are swirly...
There are many different things that make a story good, for various reasons. Plot twists, as you can see, are one thing that truly grab and keep a reader’s attention. The ten works we’ve mentioned here are by no means the only guaranteed ride – there are so many more out there ...
These long arms, long legs, this expressive face. It was the perfect choice. I read that Moritz gave you freedom as a stunt designer and coordinator to come up with fight sequences you’ve always wanted to do. Off the top of your head, what’s one or two scenes that you never ...
Also, follow us onFacebook, and we'll follow you everywhere. Every year we're inundated with movies that are based on true stories. We're about to get a Deepwater Horizon movie where Mark Wahlberg will plug an oil spill with his muscles, and a Sully Sullenberger movie where Tom Hanks ...
. Chinatown might be the closest example, where a character has a dark and mysterious past and has a choice between light and darkness. In Drive, we see that take place in the elevator, where he stomps on the guys face one too many times and it's clear he can't live a normal life...
Did 2 more Naruto Shippuuden wallpapers coz of my recent craze over the recent progress of anime and manga. Love to see more characters gather together within one screen. Seldom see the pic of Uchiha Madara who reveals his real face as well as Pain so I quickly merge them with that of ...