使用windows10等系统安装oracle 11g等版本的数据库时,经常会发现开始安装时弹出【INS-13001 环境不满足最低要求】的提示,此时可以点击【是】继续安装。 也可以点击【否】结束安装,然后找到文件【cvu_prereq.xml】,修改其内容将不会弹出这个提示了 选中从Oracle官网或者其他网站下载下来的Oracle数据库两个压缩文件,点击...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterGeneric UNIXSymptomsOracle 19c install fails with below error:INS-13001 Oracle Database is not supported on this operating systemInstaller will not perform prerequisite checks on the systemIn...
保存后,再次运行setup.exe 不再跳出[INS-13001]环境不满足最低要求的提示。 原因分析: Oracle 在发布 11g时,Winodws10还没有发布。所以Oracle的安装程序中,并没有将Windows10作为被认证的操作系统。 解决方案: 第一种方法: 直接忽略安装即可。 第二种方法: 如上所示 http://www.cnblogs.com/wqshare/p/9361281...
/oracle/<Instance>/db/tech_st/19c/appsutil/driver/regclone.drv ERROR2 WARNING: [May 17, 2022 3:57:56 PM][WARNING] [INS-13001] Oracle Database is not supported on this operating system. Installer will not perform prerequisite checks on the system. ...
If your computer name has an underscore, for example "LAB_ENDPOINT" rename the computer without the "_", reboot the computer, and start the Oracle install again. Additional Information Current versions of DLP (as of 2022), support Oracle 19c. For additional guidance on supportability, see thi...