Inquiry-based learning helps connect learning to the real world. When students are allowed to explore problems that exist in the real world, they can see how what they are learning in the classroom is relevant. This als...
Inquiry-based learning helps students develop problem-solving skills. When they are given the opportunity to explore real-world problems, they are forced to think outside the box and come up with their own solutions. This is an important skill that will help them in their future careers. 3. ...
【探究式学习(Inquiry-based Learning)的定义和特点】 探究式学习是一种教学方法,它鼓励学生通过自主探究、提问和解决问题来获取知识。这种教学法的主要特点有以下几点: 1.以问题为导向:学生通过提出问题,激发学习兴趣和好奇心。 2.强调学生的主体地位:学生在探究过程中起到主导作用,教师的角色是引导和协助。 3.重视...
二、探究式学习(Inquiry-based Learning)的定义和特点 探究式学习是一种以学生为中心的教学方法,强调学生通过自主提问、调查、分析、解决问题,从而获取知识、培养思维能力和自主学习能力。其主要特点如下: 1.以问题为导向:学生通过提出问题,激发学习兴趣和好奇心,从而主动参与学习过程。 2.强调学生的主体地位:学生在探...
inquiry based learning教学法 摘要: 一、探究式学习教学法简介 1.探究式学习教学法的定义 2.探究式学习教学法的发展历程 二、探究式学习教学法的特点 1.以学生为中心 2.强调主动探究 3.跨学科整合 4.团队合作 三、探究式学习教学法的优势 1.提高学生的学习兴趣和动机 2.培养学生的批判性思维和创新能力 3....
探究式学习(Inquiry-Based Learning,简称 IBL)是一种以学生为中心的教育方法,强调学生通过自主探究、发现和解决问题的方式来获取知识。这种教学方法旨在激发学生的学习兴趣,培养他们的创新思维和实践能力。 2.探究式学习的定义 探究式学习是一种教育方法,它要求学生在教师的引导下,通过提出问题、收集信息、分析数据、解...
作为教育界的资深领导者,Lily校长是国际文凭课程(IB)领域备受推崇的权威之一。探究式学习(Inquiry-based Learning,简称IBL)作为IB课程的核心理念,已经在全球教育舞台上占据重要位置,它倡导的是一种以学生为中心,引导他们主动探索和解决问题的学习方式。探究式学习的核心在于,教师不再是知识的唯一传授...
Inquiry-based learning promotes the development of various skills, including research skills, communication skills, and critical thinking skills. When encountering a new topic or problem, students are encouraged to generate their own questions and design investigations to find answers. Through this process...
Inquiry-Based Learning is supported when: 1.Educators see themselves as co-learners, working with children as they learn. 2.Children have the time, space and recourses be become deeply involved in their investigations. 3.The...
We are pleased to share that Ms Anita and Ms Ashley from EY recently held a workshop on "Inquiry-Based Learning." The workshop was divided into three parts to enhance parents' understanding of their children's learning and development.First, parents discussed the skills and qualities children ...