An inquiry and quotation are the first documents in SAP SD which are a part of pre-sales business process. Inquiries and quotations help you to determine important sales related data and can be saved as documents. If the customer then places an order, this data can be accessed. Use this p...
Defined in packages/vdm/sales-inquiry-service/SalesInquiry.ts:35 Sales Document Type. A classification that distinguishes between different types of sales documents. The sales document type determines how the system processes the sales document. For example, depending on the sales ...
Since the sequence involves Document Type and the quotation and the order has different condition types, at the moment of creating the order referenced to the quotation, the price is redetermined and this condition is lost because of the different document types. Both document types has the same...
Defined in packages/vdm/sales-inquiry-service/SalesInquiryItem.ts:47 Sales Document Item Category. A classification that distinguishes between different types of item (for example, free of charge items and text items) and determines how the system processes the item. The system ...