15th century, in the meaning defined atsense 3 Time Traveler The first known use ofinquirywas in the 15th century See more words from the same century Phrases Containinginquiry court of inquiry Rhymes forinquiry expiry kyrie wiry See All Rhymes forinquiry ...
The meaning of COURT OF INQUIRY is a military court that inquires into and reports on some military matter (such as an officer's questionable conduct).
Parents have called for anindependent inquiryinto the accident.→line of inquiry1(12)COLLOCATIONS–Meaning 1: a question you ask in order to get informationverbsmake an inquiryThe police are making inquiries to discover the cause of the accident.get/have an inquiry(=receive it)We’ve already ...
It is also worth noting that both terms can be used in both formal and informal contexts, but the context in which they are used can affect their meaning. For example, in a formal context, the term “enquiry” may be interpreted as a less formal or casual request for information, while...
A. The meaning of inquiry. B. The way to make an inquiry. C. The method of classroom teaching. D. The limitation of classroom teaching. 2. From the first paragraph, we can see the word “inquiry” A. has different meanings B. comes from the English language C. has little to do wi...
However, you can use either spelling in either meaning. In American English inquiry is usually used in both meanings.See inquiry in the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySee inquiry in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English Check pronunciation: inquiry...
In response, we’ve compiled this list of 50 popular similes to show you examples that are still commonly used in modern English today. For each simile, we have given its meaning and an example. Check out the quiz at the end to test your knowledge! Jessica L. — ESL Tutor study How ...
Enquire vs Inquire Meaning Enquireandinquireare often used interchangeably. Both words are verbs which ask for information. They originate from the Latin wordquaere, which means “to ask or seek.” Enquiremeans to ask a question in a general way or in a way that doesn’t require an in-dept...
Inquiry into Meaning: An Investigation of Learning to Read by Anne M. Bussis, Edward A. Chittenden, Marianne Amarel, Edith Klausner. Read Inquiry into Meaning: An Investigation of Learning to Read now at Questia. 关键词: Beginning Reading Case Studies Classroom Environment Cognitive Processes Cog...
"a judicial examination of facts to determine truth;" mid-15c. in general sense "attempt… See origin and meaning of inquiry.