How to use inquiring in a sentence Peter inquires, apparently inquiring if the cop is a good shot. ... A shriek of glee briefly broke out across the Web as inquiring minds tried to deduce who was the lucky lady. ... She begged their father to contact him, refusing to relent until he...
If you're simply asking, the preposition is likely to be "about." This is a useful observation because, in the US, there "inquiry" can mean "to investigate" or "to ask." So, to be sure which meaning is intended look at the preposition. If it's "into," inquiry means "to ...
StructureAnalysisWhatcanyoulearnfrom……?Part1Whatareyouinterestedin?(thenameofthecommodity)Part2Whatdoyouwantthesellerdoforyou?(quotation……)Part3Expressyourdesiretotradewiththeseller(trytogeta goodprice)LetterStudy TheOutlinefortheInquiry Ifyouareanewbuyer,youmaydraftadetailedinquiryasfollows:1...
aI know this sentence is a new concept to many. 我知道这个句子是一个新的概念对许多。[translate] aHe ___ some knowledge of this language by careful study 他___这种语言一些知识由仔细的研究[translate] aThe study also found that lower-performing students who engaged in self-assessment earned sc...
”An alternative form of INQUIRE. The mod. Dicts. give inquire as the standard form, but enquire is still very frequently used, esp. in the sense ‘to ask a question’.” So, it’s up to you which spelling you use, though if you’re writing for a particular publication, it’s wort...
In order to learn to be one’s true self, it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world; critically to inquire into it; carefully to consider it; clearly to analyze it; and earnestly to carry it out. It matters not what you ...
If a foreigner resides with you and wants to celebrate the LORD's Passover, all the males in the household must be circumcised; then he may come near to celebrate it, and he shall be like a native of the land. But no uncircumcised man may eat of it.Exodus 20:10but the seventh day...
Useful Sentence Patterns 1. Would you please/ Could you please/ Will you please…? 2. We are interested in/ We are in the market for…/ We would like to 3. We will appreciate it very much if… Useful Expressions Canton Fair: China’s (Spring / Autumn) Export Commodities Fair 广交会:...
not been a part of "most of its products" since the release of iOS 5 in October, though traces of the inactive software do remain and will be removed in a future update. But the Bavarian State Authority for Data Protection seeks more answers than Apple provided in its two-sentence ...
For example, when you call a hotel and ask if they have any rooms that have heated floors because winter is just too cold. You are inquiring! Here, let us look at some example sentence: Example 1: I think it might be rude to inquire about why she got a divorce. ...