While organic matter decomposition was highest in headwaters due to the input of nutrients from riparian vegetation, biofilm enzymatic activity expressed highest values at middle sections due to groundwater inputs of NH4 -N. Primary production was highest at the most downstream sec...
Input (shape, sparse=false, dynamicAxis=DefaultAxis, tag='feature') Parameters shape: scalar (if the input is a vector) or tensor shape (if the input is multidimensional). E.g.40for 40-dimensional features, or(640:480:3)for VGA-sized color images. ...
You should learn how convolutions work (e.g. see this answer) and some neural network basics (this tutorial from PyTorch).Basically, Conv1d expects inputs of shape [batch, channels, features] (where…
SetInputDims GetInputDims SetDynamicShapeConfig GetDynamicShapeConfig SetPrecisionMode GetPrecisionMode SetTuningStrategy GetTuningStrategy 模型Tensor创建类 Init GetBuffer GetSize SetTensorDimension GetTensorDimension GetTensorBuffer CreateNativeHandle AIPP对外接口类 通用接口 GetModelAipp...
initial_state: shape = (batch_size, cell.state_size)。初始状态。一般可以取零矩阵 outputs, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, initial_state=initial_state) 得到的outputs就是time_steps步里所有的输出。它的形状为(batch_size, time_steps, cell.output_size)。state是最后一步的隐状态,它的形...
if (layerInpShapes.size() == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < node_proto.input_size(); j++) { const std::string& input_name = node_proto.input(0); IterShape_t shapeIt = outShapes.find(input_name); CV_Assert(shapeIt != outShapes.end()); layerInpShapes.push_back(shapeIt->second...
Synaptic and intrinsic conductances shape picrotoxin-induced synchronized after-discharges in the guinea-pig hippocampal slice. 1. A computer model was constructed of the guinea-pig hippocampal region in vitro, containing 100 pyramidal neurones. This approach has contributed to the ... RD Traub,R ...
1. 1. Somatic action potentials of Lymnaea neurons are modified by excitatory or inhibitory synaptic inputs and have been studied using phase-plane techniques and an action potential duration monitor. 2. 2. Excitatory synaptic inputs increase the rate of neuronal discharge, cause action potential ...