问题描述 / Problem Description paddle2onnx现已不支持--input_shape_dict="{'x':[-1,3,x,x}"参数使用; 可能的原因 2024-06-05 17:05:41 [WARNING] [Deprecated] The flag `--input_shape_dict` is deprecated, if you need to modify the input shape of PaddlePaddle mo
Error: The shape of dict['input_tensor'] provided in model.execute(dict) must be [1,-1,-1,3], but was [1,600,800,4] at Object.assert (/object-detection/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/tf-core.node.js:337:15) at /object-detection/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs-converter/...
计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统) computer input/output control system iisuanii shuru/shuehu kongzhi xitong计算机输入/输出控制系统(com-puter inPut/ou中ut eontrol system)见计算机输入/输出系统。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。 参考词条...
[Error: The shape of dict['input_tensor'] provided in model.execute(dict) must be [1,-1,-1,3], but was [2,1280,720,3]] while using a model converted with tensorflowjs_convertor #6542 Closed TheRochVoices opened this issue Jun 16, 2022· 8 comments Comments TheRochVoices commented...