Theinput type="url"defines a field for entering a URL. Show code Textarea Thetextareatag defines a multi-line text input control. Show code Helper text Helper text conveys additional guidance about the input field, such as how it will be used. ...
Input Groups Use these Tailwind CSS input group components to create things like search bars with buttons, credit card forms, and other form inputs with combined input and label elements. These components are designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team, and include a variety of different styles...
输入框尺寸 input size <inputtype="text"class="relative outline-none rounded py-1 px-2 w-full bg-white shadow text-sm text-gray-700 placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline"placeholder="placeholder"/><inputtype="text"class="relative outline-none rounded py-3 px-3 w-ful...
VueJs reactive<input type="radio" />component with configurable classes, variants, and most common events. Friendly with utility-first frameworks like TailwindCSS.. Playground: WrappedWraps the radio tag in a div, add some extra HTML that make the element more customizable and accepts a label....
"input:where(:not([type]))", "[type='email']", "[type='url']", "[type='password']", 1 comment on commit c846b72 vercel bot commented on c846b72 Jul 13, 2023 Successfully deployed to the following URLs: tailwindcss-forms – ./ tailwindcss-forms-git-master-tailwindlabs.verc... radekm2000 commented Aug 7, 2024 nothing above worked for me so i found a different solution on stackoverflow and it worked focus-visible:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-offset-0 daniel-bogale commented Aug 15, 2024 • edited <div className="flex h...
我想在 input 左侧放个图标。tailwind-css 有一个 ReactJS 库,带有 SVG 和组件作为图标:[链接] 。我的组件: {代码...} 并且 MailIcon 组件的 className 可以接受 tailwind css。但如何将图标包含在 input 框中...
sveltekit components tailwindcss theui mbparvez ui accordion alert badges breadcrumbs buttons buttons-groups View more mbparvez• 1.0.0-rc.53 • 8 months ago • 1 dependents • MITpublished version 1.0.0-rc.53, 8 months ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT 92 ...
typescript tailwind tailwind components tailwind elements tailwind library tailwind sections tailwind css tailwind ui tailwind css react tailwind css vue tailwind css angular tailwind css laravel tailwindcss plugin tailwindcss plugins accordion npm i@preline/input-number ...