Telephone numbers are a very commonly collected type of data on the web. When creating any kind of registration or e-commerce site, for example, you will likely need to ask the user for a telephone number, whether for business purposes or for emergency contact purposes. Given how commonly-en...
<input id="telNo" name="telNo" type="tel" size="20"> Element value length The size is separate from the length limitation on the entered telephone number. You can specify a minimum length, in characters, for the entered telephone number using the minlength attribute; similarly, use maxleng...
Input type: monthExample Define a month and year control (no time zone): Birthday (month and year): <input type="month" name="bdaymonth"> Try it yourself » Input type: numberExample Define a field for entering a number (You can also set restrictions on what numbers are accepted): ...
HTML5 added several new input types:color date datetime datetime-local email month number range search tel time url weekInput types, not supported by old web browsers, will behave as input type text.Input Type: numberThe <input type="number"> is used for input fields that should contain a...
tel- defines the field to enter a telephone number time- creates an input field that accepts time value url- lets the user enter and edit a URL week- lets the user pick a week and a year from a calendar 1. Input Type text The input typetextis used to create single-line text fields...
Inputs that *require* a telephone number should typically use<inputtype="tel">instead. search A virtual keyboard optimized for search input. For instance, the return/submit key may be labeled "Search", along with possible other optimizations. ...
These different type of input fields in HTML form can be created using the<input>tag. And for using different type of input fields, you need to set thetypeattribute of the<input>tag. HTML Input Type: Thetypeattribute is used to create different types of input field in an HTML form. The...
HTML5 input types test pageThis page contains examples of the form controls that can be created with the new values for the `input` element’s `type` attribute in HTML5.See the related blog post HTML5 input types.Text (text) Search (search) Telephone (tel) URL (url) E-mail (...
TypeScript jackocnr/intl-tel-input Sponsor Star7.8k A JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers. React and Vue components also included. vuejstypescriptvalidationinputreactjsphone-numberformattinginternational-telephonelibphonenumberjavascript-plugin ...
前端页面开发中,html表单是网页中最常见元素之一,通过form元素定义表单,表单中包含各种表单项。 input 元素可以用来生成一个供用户输入数据的简单文本框。 在默认的情况下, 什么样的数据均可以输入。而通过不同的type属性值,可以限制输入的内容。 代码实例: ...