Restricting the HTML input element of type 'file' to only allow PDF files: A guide name="file1" type="file" accept="application/pdf"> You can string together, ><input name="foo" type="file" accept="image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,application/pdf,image/x-eps", unique file type specif...
<input type="file" name="myImage" accept="image/*" /> 也可以使用这个 <input type="file" accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg" /> 请注意,这只会向浏览器提供向用户显示哪些文件类型的提示,但这很容易避免,因此你也应该始终在服务器上验证上传的文件。 它应该适用于IE 10+、Chrome、Firefox、Safari 6+、...
<input type="file" accept="text/html" /> 《7》上传video(.avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4)格式 <input type="file" accept="video/*" /> 《8》上传audio(.mp3, .wav, etc)格式 <input type="file" accept="audio/*" /> 《9》上传.pdf格式 <input type="file" accept=".pdf" /> 《10》如果...
text/comma-separated-values(works in Opera only). If you are trying to display a particular file type (for example, aWAVorPDF), then this will almost always work... <inputtype="file"accept=".FILETYPE"/>
<input type="file" accept=".pdf" /> DEMO: NOTE: If you are trying to display Excel CSV files (.csv), do NOT use: text/csv application/csv text/comma-separated-values (works in Opera only). If you are trying to display a particular f...
<input> elements with type="file" let the user choose one or more files from their device storage. Once chosen, the files can be uploaded to a server using form submission, or manipulated using JavaScript code and the File API.
使用type="file" 和 accept="image/*" (或您想要的格式),允许用户选择具有特定格式的文件。但是您必须在客户端重新检查它,因为用户可以选择其他类型的文件。这对我有用。 <input #imageInput accept="image/*" (change)="processFile(imageInput)" name="upload-photo" type="file" id="upload-photo" /...
<label>Your Image File <input type="file" name="myImage" accept="image/*" /> </label> Note that this only provides a hint to the browser as to what file-types to display to the user, but this can be easily circumvented, so you should always validate the uploaded file on the ...
In this tutorial, we’ll show how to allow the file input type to accept only image files or certain image file extensions. Use the HTML “accept” attribute.
Files (.htm,.html), use:<inputtype="file"accept="text/html"/>For Video Files (.avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4), use:<inputtype="file"accept="video/*"/>For Audio Files (.mp3, .wav, etc), use:<inputtype="file"accept="audio/*"/>For PDF Files, use:<inputtype="file"accept=".pdf...