这可以通过检查模型的输出、损失函数的值或其他相关指标来实现。 综上所述,解决 TypeError: input tensor should be a float tensor. Got torch.uint8. 错误的关键是在引发错误的操作之前,将输入张量的数据类型从 torch.uint8 转换为 float。希望这些步骤能帮助你解决问题!
importtorchdeffunc(a,b):c=(a>1)&(b>1)returnca=torch.ones((10),dtype=torch.int64)b=torch.ones((10),dtype=torch.uint8)func_compiled=torch.compile(func)result=func_compiled(a,b) Expected Behavior: The merge function should compile and execute, returning a tensor of boolean values, just...
Also string dtype names Byte / Float are very obsolete, torch.uint8 / torch.float32 or uint8 / float32 should be the modern ones. I suggest error messages use modern dtype identifiers throughout all PyTorch. importtorchimporttorchvisionmodel=torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=False)x=torch....
本文是seq2seq模型的第二篇,主要是通过raw_rnn来实现seq2seq模型。 github地址是:https://github....
dtype.name not in ["float64", "int64", "uint64"] Example 39Source File: predict.py From nnUNet with Apache License 2.0 5 votes def check_input_folder_and_return_caseIDs(input_folder, expected_num_modalities): print("This model expects %d input modalities for each image" % expected_...
keras模型转tf保存的时候报错 INVALID_ARGUMENT: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'inputs' with dtype float and shape [?,22,22,64] [[{{node inputs}}]] 1. 2. 没有向inputs这个Placeholder节点中传值,向此节点中传值即可 尝试模型输入input传值...
Input and hidden tensors are not the same dtype, found input tensor with Double and hidden tensor with Float (*~︶~)
Tensorflow报错:InvalidArgumentError: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'input_y' with dtype 此错误神奇之处是每次第一次运行不会报错,第二次、第三次第四次。。。就都报错了。关掉重启,又不报错了,运行完再运行一次立马报错!搞笑! 折磨...
Parameters are defined as floats and you're passing doubles. You can simply cast the input to self.gru or (maybe better) define the gru layer with Double parameters Author lijiaoyang commented Apr 23, 2021 thx to your reply!! But I did not modify your code Is this bug due to the ...