Description: Selects all input, textarea, select and button elements. version added: 1.0jQuery( ":input" ) The :input selector basically selects all form controls. Additional Notes: Because :input is a jQuery extension and not part of the CSS specification, queries using :input cannot take ...
jQuery :input Selector❮ jQuery SelectorsExampleSelect all input elements:$(":input") Try it Yourself » Definition and UsageThe :input selector selects form elements.This selector also works with the button element.Syntax$(":input")❮ jQuery Selectors...
标准格式$('selector')selector与 css 的选择器使用一致,如: $('#myId') //ID 选择器 $('div.className') //选择 class 为 className 的 div $('className') //选择 class 为 className 的元素 $('input[name=frist]') //选择 name 属性等于 frist 的 input 元素 1. 2. 3. 4. jQuery特有的...
// ':textall' jQuery pseudo-selector for all text input types(function($){vartypes='text search number email datetime datetime-local date '+'month week time tel url color range'.split(' '),len=types.length;$.expr[':']['textall']=function(elem){vartype=elem.getAttribute('type');for...
jQuery = function( selector, context ) { // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced' // Need init if jQuery is called (just allow error to be thrown if not included) return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context ); ...
selector:要绑定的元素,上面的例子可以写成:$(".class").bind('click','input',function(e){...;e.stopPropagation;}) (需要注意的是,有一个事件不好用,就是'大便'ie下独有的事件:onpropertychange; 可以用:$(".class input").bind('propertychange',function(e){...;e.stopPropagation;}) ...
.live()方法会绑定相应的事件到你所选择的元素的根元素上,即是document元素上。那么所有通过冒泡上来的事件都可以用这个相同的handler来处理了。它的处理机制是这样的,一旦事件冒泡到document上,jQuery将会查找selector/event metadata,然后决定那个handler应该被调用。jquery 1.8.2的源码:...
Create the element in HTML. The attributes are compatible to the nativeinput[type="number"]element. <inputtype="number"value="50"min="0"max="100"step="10"/> Script <scripttype="module">import{InputSpinner}from"./src/InputSpinner.js"constinputSpinnerElements=document.querySelectorAll("input...
widthautoSuggestions container width in pixels, e.g.: 300,flexfor max suggestion size andautotakes input field width zIndex9999'z-index' for suggestions container appendTooptionalContainer where suggestions will be appended. Default valuedocument.body. Can be jQuery object, selector or HTML element...
$(selector).inputmask('999-AAAA-9999') 或 $(selector).inputmask({mask:'999-AAAA-9999',other_options:xxx}) 默认带的字符定义有 9 : 数字 A : 字母 * : 数字或字母 动态(Dynamic mask) $(selector).inputmask("aa-9{4}");//static mask with dynamic syntax ...