方法1 は、SORT ステートメント INPUT PROCEDURE を前処理に、SORT ステートメント OUTPUT PROCEDURE を後処理に使用します。 INPUT および OUTPUT PROCEDURE を使用しているため、NOFASTSRT が入出力処理に有効です。 INPUT PROCEDURE または OUTPUT PROCEDURE は、レコードの追加、削除、変更、編集、...
这是一个人为的样本。它根据具有大写和小写字符的ALPHABET对记录进行排序,与其他字母相比,A和a交换。这样做是为了证明可能性。SORT 算法阅读器使用RELEASE中的RELEASE检索记录。OUTPUT PROCEDURE使用RETURN作为SORT算法编写器。 GCobol >>SOURCE FORMAT IS FIXED ...
TheENVIRONMENT DIVISIONof an instance method can have only one section, theINPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. This section relates the file-names used in a method definition to the corresponding file-names as they are known to the operating system. For example, if the Account class defined a method that re...
This is intended for output data, and should be ignored on Format tabs belonging to input links. Prefix bytes. Specifies that each column in the data file is prefixed by 1, 2, or 4 bytes containing, as a...
Null field value has a sub property named Null field value separator. This is intended for output data, and should be ignored on Format tabs belonging to input links. Prefix bytes. Specifies that each column in the data file is pre...
The ILE COBOL device name in the ASSIGN clause defines the ILE COBOL functions that can be processed on the selected file. At compilation time, certain ILE COBOL functions are valid only for a specific ILE COBOL device type; in this respect, ILE COBOL is device dependent. The following are...
After each input or output statement is performed, the file status key is updated with a value that indicates the success or failure of the operation.
This example shows the processing of JSON text by the JSON PARSE statement into various types of COBOL data items. The JSON text is included directly in the program source for the purpose of this example. The output of the program is shown after. ...
FILE SECTION 内で定義されたデータ項目は、ファイルが正常にオープンされるまでは PROCEDURE DIVISION のステートメントにとって使用可能ではありません。 FD 記入項目の後のレコード記述で、ファイル内のレコードのフィールドを記述します。 レコード全体をレベル 01 記述でコーディングし、...
Use theINDICATINGphrase in the case where you can or want to designate satellite data items as null indicators. For example, consider the following COBOL source: `Identification division.` Program-id. myprog. Data division. Working-storage section. ...