1) ByteArrayOutputStream:把信息存入内存中的一个缓冲区中 2) FileOutputStream:把信息存入文件中 3) PipedOutputStream:实现了pipe的概念,主要在线程中使用 4) SequenceOutputStream:把多个OutStream合并为一个OutStream 1.2 以Unicode字符为导向的stream 以Unicode字符为导向的stream,表示以Unicode字符为单位从stream...
Java中的IO流:就是内存与设备之间的输入和输出操作就成为IO操作,也就是IO流。内存中的数据持久化到设备上---》输出(Output)。把 硬盘上的数据读取到内存中,这种操作 成为输入---》读(Input)。 input和output的参照物都是Java程序来参照 Input:读 持久化上的数据---》内存 父类 InputStream output:写 内存-...
FileOutputStream importorg.testng.annotations.Test;importjava.io.*;publicclassFileDemo { @TestpublicvoidfileTest() {//1.创建源File file =newFile("jerry.txt");//2.选择流OutputStream out =null;//3.操作try{ out=newFileOutputStream(file); String msg= "天生丽质难自弃";//因为write方法的参数...
You already know that data and operations on data are important parts of a computer program. Sometimes your application will need to read input data from a file or write the output data to a file. Java offers classes in the java.io package to facilitate these input/output (I/O) ...
Output: 1. println 2. println 1. print 2. print In the above example, we have shown the working of theprint()andprintln()methods. To learn about theprintf()method, visitJava printf(). Example: Printing Variables and Literals classVariables{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){ ...
A Stream is linked to a physical layer by java I/O system to make input and output operation in java. In general, a stream means continuous flow of data. Streams are clean way to deal with input/output without having every part of your code understand the physical. ...
数据输入输出流(DataInputStream类与DataOutputStream类)允许应用程序以与机器无关的方式从底层输入流中读取基本Java数据类型。也就是说,当读取一个数据时,不必再关心这个数值应当是什么字节。 DataInputStream类只提供了一个readUTF()方法返回字符串。这是因为要在一个连续的字节流读取一个字符串,如果没有特殊的标记...
JAVA的流分为输入流和输出流两部分, 输入流:InputStream或者Reader:从文件中读到程序中; 输出流:OutputStream或者Writer:从程序中输出到文件中; Reader和Writer是字符流:只能针对字符文件进行读写操作。 InputStream和OutputStream是二进制流:所有的文件都可以进行读写操作。也就是可以处理所有类型数据,如:图片,MP3,...
输入流:java.io.InputStream 输出流:java.io.OutputStream 特点: 字节流的抽象基类派生出来的子类名称都是以其父类名作为子类名的后缀。 如:FileInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream等。 说明: 字节流处理的单元是一个字节,用于操作二进制文件(计算机中所有文件都是二进制文件) 1.1. InputStream 案例:读取"c:/a....
Now You Know More About Input and Output on Java In the last code example in this article, theifstatement was used. It's one of the three program control structures in Java. In particular, it's a selection statement. Selection statements are important to choose an execution path given a ...