ant-Design ,Input , onPressEnter 和 onChange 的区别 onChange 输入内容的回调 onPressEnter 按下回车的回调 需求:看下图,右边栏配置开关组件的内容。输入内容,不想要左边实时更改 原来的代码: <Input defaultValue={item.value1} style={{width: '130px'}} flag="switch1" onChange={event => this.handleC...
请参阅 React 的键盘事件。函数 enterPressed 然后在事件上触发,现在 enterPressed 检测键码,如果是13,做一些事情。 这是一个演示事件的 小提琴。点击预览 注意: onKeyPress 和onKeyDown 事件在用户按下时立即触发。您可以使用 onKeyUp 来解决这个问题。 原文由 Andrew Li 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3.0 许可协议...
componentWillUnmount() {//卸载解除监听事件this.inputEnter.destory(); } 实现效果: 备注:如果是Ant的Select组件,要换种写法,可以用官方文档上写的onInputKeyDown(按下回车时的回调)实现,写法稍有不同,但实现逻辑差不多。
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';import classNames from 'classnames';import { getOtherProps } from 'utils/tool';import styles from './Input.less';export default class Input extends PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isHasCloseBtn: false, }; this...
closeBtn:(<span className={styles.suffix}>{suffix?suffix:null}</span>)return(<span className={styles.inputGroupWrapper}>{_prefix}{React.cloneElement(children)}{_suffix}</span>);}renderInput=()=>{const{type,value,size='default',}=this.props;// 这里只对text和password做处理,因为其他type会...
react-verification-inputis a customizable, masked input that can be used to enter all sorts of codes e.g. security codes when two-factor authenticating. Also I'm sure you can think of many more creative use cases. Demo 🔴Try it out yourself!
Convenience method that adds a tag. clearInput() Clears the input value. Contributors Changelog License MIT Licensed Install npm ireact-tagsinput Repository Homepage Tryon RunKit Reportmalware...
react-verification-inputis a customizable, masked input that can be used to enter all sorts of codes e.g. security codes when two-factor authenticating. Also I'm sure you can think of many more creative use cases. Demo 🔴Try it out yourself!
react-onenterkeydown adds an onEnterKeyDown prop to a component with supports onKeyDown property, such as the html input component:import React, { propTypes } from 'react'; import onEnter from 'react-onenterkeydown'; const logEnter = () => { console.log('The enter key has been ...
2. [u] 输入;输入的信息the act of putting information into a computer; the information that you put in 3. [c] (电、数据等的)输入端a place or means for electricity, data, etc. to enter a machine or system v.