解析:当输入负号时阻止键入 importReactfrom'react';import{InputNumber}from'antd';constInputNumberNoNegative=()=>{consthandleKeyDown=(e:any)=>{console.log('handleKeyDown',e);// 阻止'-'键的默认行为if(e.key==='-'){e.preventDefault();}// 或者使用keyCode -的keyCode是189if(e.keyCode===189...
数字输入 Input Number 在输入-1<num<0范围内的数字时候,会出现输入负号后再输入0,0直接替换掉符号,例如-0.001。只能在输入0.001后,再返回第一位添加负号 Steps to reproduce 数字输入组件: 输入-号,再次输入0,0会替换掉-号,再次输入后续 .1 输入结果 0.1 ,并非-0.1 Link to minimal reproduction 暂无 System...
minusdefaults tofalse(no negative numbers). <vue-numericv-bind:minus="false"></vue-numeric> Enable decimal precision By default the decimal value is disabled. To use decimals in the value, add theprecisionprop. precisionaccept aStringorNumbernumeric value. ...
Any positive or negative number, no more than four characters, and with no thousands separator or decimal places. >L???L?000L0 GREENGR339M3 MAY R 452B7 A combination of mandatory (L) and optional (?) letters and mandatory numbers (0). The greater-than sign force...
Any positive or negative number, no more than four characters, and with no thousands separator or decimal places. >L???L?000L0 GREENGR339M3 MAY R 452B7 A combination of mandatory (L) and optional (?) letters and mandatory numbers (0). The greater-than sign force...
allowNegativeValuebooleantrueAllow user to enter negative value defaultValuenumberDefault value valuenumberProgrammatically set the value onValueChangefunctionHandle change in value placeholderstringPlaceholder if no value decimalsLimitnumber2Limit length of decimals allowed ...
discount折扣Number支付宝系统会把discount的值加到交易金额上,如果需要折扣,本参数为负数。可空-5 is_total_fee_adjust是否调整总价String(1)该交易是否调整过价格。可空N use_coupon是否使用红包买家String(1)是否在交易过程中使用了红包。可空N refund_status退款状态String取值范围请参见退款状态。可空REFUND_SUCCE...
2.1.532 Part 1 Section 17.18.10, ST_DecimalNumber (Decimal Number Value) 2.1.533 Part 1 Section 17.18.13, ST_DisplacedByCustomXml (Location of Custom XML Markup Displacing an Annotation) 2.1.534 Part 1 Section 17.18.14, ST_DocGrid (Document Grid Types) 2.1.535 Part 1 Section ...
The number of bytes to read. If the argument is omitted,None, or negative, data is read and returned until EOF is reached. Default value:-1 Returns TypeDescription Bytes read from the input stream. read1 Read and return up to n bytes, with at most one read() call to the underlying ...
This uses apatternwhich limits the entered value to strings representing legal Social Security numbers. Obviously, this regexp doesn't guarantee a valid SSN (since we don't have access to the Social Security Administration's database), but it does ensure the number could be one; it generally...