amplifier input impedance is dominated by the input resistance, at high frequencies it is dominated by the input capacitance. At the frequencies encountered in most biological applications, the effect of the amplifier input capacitance is negligible, but there can be some circumstances (e.g. high-...
In one embodiment, where the input impedance is reduced in essence, to solely a capacitive reactance, an operational amplifier in a follower configuration is driven at its non-inverting input and a resistor with a predetermined magnitude is connected between the inverting and non-inverting inputs....
An op amp is to be used as a non-inverting amplifier with a closed-loop gain of 20 over its pass-band. The circuit is shown inFigure 3.13. Its input impedance is to be 10 kΩ The coupling capacitorCwill prevent the signal source lowering the effective d.c. value ofR2. Assume the ...
The assembly consists of two series impedances (3,4), the transformer (1) and an amplifier (2). The amplifier (2) provides a virtual short-circuit and is connected across the output terminals of the transformer (1). The amplifier (2) may be an inverting amplifier with feedback resistor...
preamplifier input impedance associated with the first input; anda programmable input impedance circuit, comprising:a main controllable current source for conducting a controllable current;a first transistor having a control terminal coupled to the first amplifier stage, and having a conduction path ...
sub. IN for matched-impedance coupling to an antenna having a resistive impedance R.sub.A. The amplifier circuit has an input and output nodes, an inverting amplifier, and a feedback capacitor. The input node receives an antenna signal which the inverting amplifier amplifies by a frequency- ...
a SET-RESET flip-flop having its SET input connected to said output of said binary complement means and its RESET input connected to said output of said second series summing amplifier; and said first inverting input of said first series summing amplifier is connected to said second inverting in...
Current sensing circuit with high input impedance A current sensing circuit with high input impedance comprises a first transconductance amplifier connected across the terminals of a resistor, through whic... L Bertolini 被引量: 5发表: 1999年 A Low Power Technique for Programmable Gain Amplifier with...
Looking at the input of the amplifier differentially and using the virtual-short concept (Figure 2) from an inverting-amplifier topology, we can express the input impedance as ZIN = RT || 2RG. For an example of how to select the value of RT, let's look at a differential source driving...
The gain of the differential amplifier is set by internal precision resistors with a differential input impedance of RIND. The modulator converts the analog input signal into a bitstream that is transferred across the isolation barrier, as described in the Isolation Channel Signal Transmission section...