file 定义输入字段和 "浏览..." 按钮,供文件上传 hidden 定义隐藏输入字段 image 定义图像作为提交按钮 number 定义带有 spinner 控件的数字字段 password 定义密码字段。字段中的字符会被遮蔽。 radio 定义单选按钮。 range 定义带有 slider 控件的数字字段。 reset 定义重置按钮。重置按钮会将所有表单字段重置为初始...
var fileName = document.getElementById("fileName").value; var idxDot = fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1; var extFile = fileName.substr(idxDot, fileName.length).toLowerCase(); if (extFile=="jpg" || extFile=="jpeg" || extFile=="png"){ //TO DO }else{ alert("Only jpg/jpeg ...
Step 2: Accept Only Image Files To restrict the user from uploading only image files, use the “accept” attribute with the input field. For instance, the accept value is set to “image/*”. This allows the user to upload all types of image files it also includes a “gif” file in ...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Title of the document</title> </head> <body> <input type="file" id="img" name="img" accept="image/*"> </body> </html> Try it Yourself » Now, the type of the <input> element can accept only images. If you want to specify the im...
<input type="file" name="myImage" accept="image/*" /> If you want to only allow some specific file types, list them:<input type="file" name="myImage" accept="image/x-png,image/gif,image/jpeg" /> You can check the browser support for this attribute here:
示例:<input type="text" readonly unselectable="on" > (还是菜鸟一枚,写的不对的地方欢迎指正!) 二、input调用移动端的相册等 <input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera"> //支持相册 <input type="file" accept="video/*" capture="camcorder"> //支持视频 ...
How to Allow the File Input Type to Accept Only Image Files - The tag in HTML creates an input control that accepts user input. Depending on the kind of the attribute, an input field might be of different forms. It is a blank element with only attribute
ImageCatalogGuidString ImageChisel ImageCrop ImageGenerator ImageGroup ImageIcon Imageloader Imagemap ImageMapFile ImageTest Natychmiastowewindow Zaimplementowana Zaimplementowanoprzedadnia Wykonawczych Implementowanieimplemented Implementowanieoverridden Implementowanieoverriding ImplementInterface Importuj Importcatalo...
image型input元素可用的额外属性 <input type="image" src="accept.png" name="submit"/> 1. 8、用input元素上传文件 最后一种input元素类型是file型,它可以在提交表单时将文件上传到服务器。 file型input元素可用的额外属性: <form method="post" action="http://titan:8080/form" enctype="multipart/form...
readonly readonly readonly 属性规定输入字段是只读的。 requiredNew required 属性规定必需在提交表单之前填写输入字段。 size number size 属性规定以字符数计的 <input> 元素的可见宽度。 src URL src 属性规定显示为提交按钮的图像的 URL。 (只针对 type="image") stepNew number step 属性规定 <input> 元...