关于这个插件,我在早期随笔《Bootstrap文件上传插件File Input的使用》也做了一次介绍,这是一个增强的 HTML5 文件输入控件,是一个 Bootstrap 3.x 的扩展,实现文件上传预览,多文件上传等功能。 bootstrap-fileinput源码:https://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput bootstrap-fileinput在线API:http://plugins...
Default to use bootstrap 5.x icons instead of glyphicons Correct layoutTemplates.main2 to use wrapper container for the buttons to use mainClass Create a new theme bs5 to support bootstrap 5.x icons and styles This is a BC breaking change - which will remove GLYPHICONS as default icons ...
string == "true"><divclass="form-group"><labelclass="control-label">${modifyField["field_description"]}:</label><!-- 用来作为form表单提交上传图片返回id的集合,这里我采用`,`隔开的字符串形式保存 --><inputtype="text"hiddenid="${modifyField["field_name"]}"name="${modifyField["field_nam...
效果展示:一、准备源码下载地址:https://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinputDemo地址:https://plugins.krajee.com/file-input/demo中文文档:http://www.bootstrap-fileinput.com/下载好的目录如下图:将该文件引入到项目中二、使用示例1、引入响应的js和css文件 <link hr...
Bootstrap Form Field regulations Bootstrap's form commands expand regarding our Rebooted form styles with classes. Employ such classes to opt into their customized screens for a more consistent rendering across browsers and tools . The good example form shown below illustrates standard HTML form featu...
pageSize: 5, // 单页记录数 pageList: [5, 20, 30], // showRefresh : true,// 刷新按钮 queryParams: function(params) { // 上传服务器的参数 var temp = { }; return temp; }, columns: [{ title: 'id', field: 'id', visible: false ...
sizes: supports bootstrapcustom-select-lg,custom-select-smorinput-group-lg,input-group-smon originalselect no results found warning: can be found usefull by some users, since "no results" situation blocks TAB jump to next field (ESC bypass this) ...
('#dataGrid').bootstrapTable({ toolbar : '#toolbar', height : 330, striped : true, pagination : true, pageSize : 10, // sortName : 'userName', sidePagination : 'client', columns : [ { field : 'userName', title : '用户名称' }, { field : 'userMobile', title : '手机号' }...
bootstrap-fileinput Features New features since v2.4.0 Demo Pre-requisites Restrictions Installation Using Bower Using Composer Manual Install Usage Documentation Plugin Options showCaption showPreview showRemove showUpload captionClass previewClass
Theme support—The Kendo UI for Vue Date Inputs, as well as all 80+ components in the Kendo UI for Vue suite, are styled in four polished themes (Bootstrap, Material, Default and Fluent) and can be further customized to match your specific design guidelines. ...