此处模态框是用bootstrap实现的,页面代码为: <div class="modal fade" id="moveStockToBrandModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> @await Html.PartialAsync("_ModalHeader", new ModalHeader { Heading = ...
.bootstrap-tagsinput .tag [data-role="remove"]:hover { box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } .bootstrap-tagsinput .tag [data-role="remove"]:hover:active { box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125); } </styl...
For additionally organised form layouts that are in addition responsive, you have the ability to apply Bootstrap's predefinedgridclasses or mixins to produce horizontal forms. Bring in the.rowclass to form groups and make use of the.col-*-*classes in order to specify the width of your contr...
解决方法:覆盖input标签的class=“form-control”,修改display为“inline”,原来的block会让div前后带上换行符,将width设置为90%(width原来为100%,需在引入bootstrap的css文件后引入自己写的css样式) display的两个取值 在自己的css文件中修改如下 1 .form-control { 2 display: inline; 3 width: 90%; 4 heigh...
这是一个增强的 HTML5 文件输入控件,是一个 Bootstrap 3.x 的扩展,实现文件上传预览,多文件上传等功能: bootstrap-fileinput是一款基于Bootstrap 3.x的html5文件上传插件。该文件上传插件带有预览图效果,可同时选择多个文件。该插件使用bootstrap CSS3样式来制作文件上传界面,美观大方。并且它提供了多国语言,你可...
去除bootstrap默认的input选中时的样式 input默认样式除border外, 还有一个阴影效果box-shadow;选中时同样有阴影效果。 input,input:focus{ border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; } 边框阴影 选中时边框阴影 清除阴影后
bootstrap中"label“和"input”之间的间距 在Bootstrap中,"label"和"input"之间的间距可以通过使用Bootstrap提供的CSS类来调整。具体来说,可以使用以下类来设置间距: 使用mt-*和mb-*类来设置垂直方向的间距,其中*可以是0、1、2、3、4、5或auto。例如,mt-2表示在"label"和"input"之间添加一个上边距为2个...
AlsouseCssPatch: falseallows you to go to heavy styling (and even use plugin without bootstrap 5). Those additional options are available (you see default values): $("select[multiple='multiple']").bsMultiSelect({ useCssPatch: false, css : { choices: 'dropdown-menu', // bs, in bsmul...
You're awesome, fork the project, and do whatever changes you want intosrc/bootstrap-rating-input.js. If you're kind enough I'll appreciate that you maintain the minified version updated and to ease this step I've automated minification with grunt, so if you have npm installed you can ...
The JavaScript Text Box control has several built-in themes such as Material, Bootstrap, Fabric (Office 365), Tailwind CSS, and High Contrast. Users can customize any of these built-in themes or create new themes either by overriding Sass variables or using our Theme Studio application. ...