PURPOSE:To use both surfaces of a transparent tablet by enabling the transparent tablet to be used while put over a display and separated (turned over). CONSTITUTION:A drawing input device equipped with the transparent tablet 8 which detects an image drawn with a handwriting pen 4 and outputs ...
SpeechsynthesiserOutputdeviceusedtohelppeoplewhocan’tseevisualoutputsfromthecomputer.Itproducesahuman-likevoice. DigitalcameraLightreceivedthroughthelensisconvertedtodigitalsignalsbysensors,ratherthanstoredbychemicalchangeonafilmasinanormalcamera.Theresultingphotographcanthenbestoredonacomputerandusedjustlikeanyclipartfil...
TEXT DRAWING INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICE PURPOSE:To make a device compact and to attain input/output in various using formats by superposing a transparent device to a display screen independently of the existence of front/back inversion of the device or expanding the device to ... A Fumio,K Hajime,...
PURPOSE:To perform picture drawing for both transmission and reception on the same screen and to obtain both hard copies at a time, by switching the polarity of voltage to be impressed to a pressure-sensitive conduction plate between the transmission and reception modes. CONSTITUTION:The aural comm...
DigitizingTabletisapointing(指示)devicethatfacilitates(使便利)theaccurate(精确的)inputofdrawings(画图)anddesigns(设计).Adrawingcanbeplaceddirectly(直接地)onthetablet,andtheusertraces(描绘)outlines(轮廓)orinputscoordinatepositions(坐标位置)withahand-heldstylus(铁笔).COMPUTERENGLISH 2.INPUTDevice ...
This is where most user interaction occurs: pressing on soft keys, drawing characters, or however else your input method wants to generate text. Most implementations will simply have their own view doing all of this work, and return a new instance of it when #onCreateInputView() is...
Menus and commands Provide space-efficient, context-dependent access to commands and controls. Shapes Trace and fill built-in and custom shapes with a color, gradient, or other pattern. Drawing and graphics Enhance your views with graphical effects and customized drawings....
protected MTLStageInputOutputDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t); Parameters t NSObjectFlag Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty. Remarks This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate...
;CONSTITUTION: An input/output device 10 reads a figure or a document with the image scanner device 4 and inputs information such as distribution destination, etc., from the touch type display device 1 to transmit it via a terminal controller 7. Normally, the liquid crystal display device 2...
GRAPHIC INPUT AND OUTPUT DEVICE 优质文献 相似文献The Use of Graphic Input and Output Devices Attached to a Small Computer for Planning Radiotherapy Treatment The planning of treatment by radiation therapy is essentially a graphical problem. The object is to arrange X-ray fields in such a manner ...