Chaos circuit charge an analog input into a group of binary sequences collection, then analysis and get the accurate measuring inputs. 先利用混沌充放电电路将输入模拟量采集成一组二进制序列,然后对其进行分析,得到输入量的准确估计值。 2. This would also mean it would require a an...
Theanalog inputsignal is latched on the rising edge of CLK. 模拟输入信号在CLK的上升沿被锁存. 互联网 The reference voltage supplied to the AD 7762 determines theanalog inputrange. 模拟输入范围取决于AD7762采用的基准电压. 互联网 Stereoanalog input& output with high dynamic range and low distortion...
read analog input 读模拟量输入 analog input channel amplifier 模拟输入信道放大器连接于一个或多个模拟输入信道的一种放大器,它使模拟信号电位与其后连接的模拟数字转换器的输入范围相适应。 analog input module 模拟输入组件 analog input operation 模拟输入操作 analog backup 模拟后援 analog comparator 模拟...
[词典]模拟输入,电压输入;[例句]This example uses two analog input channels and one analog output channel.这个例子使用2个模拟输入通道和一个模拟输出通道。
Analog inputs and their microphone preamps draw current whether they are idle or active. 耗电量还与模拟输入和他们的话筒放大电路是否待机或者被使用中有关。 These models use a simulated input transducer that vibrates purely sinusoidally with a fixed frequency. ...
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在淘宝,您不仅能发现ANALOG INPUT电源AGE-I实物图质量包好询价的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于ANALOG INPUT电源AGE-I实物图质量包好询价的信息,请来淘宝深入了解吧!
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When reading analog signals the microcontroller converts the voltage to digital signals using analog to digital conversion (ADC). The simplest conversation is that of a single input. The signal is converted to a digital signal and stored in a register on