I have two multi-dimensional (4x1) arrays which I need to add to get the resultant 4x1 array but I'm getting a 4x4 array instead. Please help! A=np.array([[(-.01-10)/1e-5,-1/1e-5,10/1e-5,0] ,[1/1e-8,-1/(.05*1e-8),0,0],[10/1e-8,0,(-10...
You can read the Input.acceleration property to get the accelerometer reading. You can also use the Input.deviceOrientation property to get a discrete evaluation of the device's orientation in three-dimensional space. Detecting a change in orientation can be useful if you want to create game beha...
Cells may be addressed as a 1 or 2-dimensional array. Constructor args: writer The Writer instance (font and screen) to use. row Location of grid on screen. col lwidth If an integer N is passed all labels will have width of N pixels. A list or tuple of integers will define the wid...
Categorizing input data in Python lists - Introduction A List is a type of data structure in Python language that can store elements of different data types within these “[]” brackets. The given data are listed according to the data type like integer a
Cells may be addressed as a 1 or 2-dimensional array. Constructor args: writer The Writer instance (font and screen) to use. row Location of grid on screen. col lwidth If an integer N is passed all labels will have width of N pixels. A list or tuple of integers will define the wid...
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected dense_47_input to have shape (None, 8) but got array with shape (8000, 10) Any help to combat this issue would be great! Edit: model summary before model.compile: Edit2: model summary after compiling: python machine-learning keras Share ...
2 Methods same signature but different return types 255 character limit OleDB C# - Inconsistent results 2D Array read from Text file 2D array to CSV C# steamwriter 3 dimensional list in C# 32 bit app - how to get 'C:\program files" directory using "Environment.GetFolderPath" 32 bit Appl...
DoubleArray EncryptionSpec Endpoint Overview LabelsEntry TrafficSplitEntry EntityIdSelector EntityType Overview LabelsEntry EnvVar ErrorAnalysisAnnotation Overview AttributedItem QueryType EvaluatedAnnotation Overview EvaluatedAnnotationType EvaluatedAnnotationExplanation Event Overview ...
How to redim a two or three dimensional array? How to refer to the "ProgramData" folder in vb.net's "Environment.SpecialFolder" collection? How to refresh (redraw) a treeview ownerdraw mode How to Refresh/ Update a TableAdapter or BindingSource How to reinstall Windows Service using install...