Kaminer, Y. & Bukstein, O. G. (1992). Inpatient behavioral and cognitive therapy for substance abuse in adolescents. In V. B. Van Hasselt & D. J. Kolko (Eds.), Inpatient Behavior Therapy for Children and Adolescents (pp. 313-339). New York: Plenum Press....
Therefore, youth involved in the justice system repre- sent a particularly vulnerable population. Risk factors, such as learning difficulties, comorbid emotional and be- havioural problems, substance abuse, exposure to trauma, place these youth at risk for developing serious and pervasive mental ...
Treatment evaluation within youth forensic mental health care is primarily focused on recidivism rates and symptom reduction [1, 2]. For individual evaluation purposes, recidivism rates are not very enlightening because they are measured after treatment and are not related to therapy progress of the ...
This chapter will focus on understanding the scope and rates of trauma for youth on IPUs, screening and assessment for trauma, treatment recommendations for youth with a trauma history and PTSD, and ways to implement trauma-informed care in these settings. In addition, given the potential for ...
Drug abuseAdolescents engaged in substance abuse treatment manifest a rate of cigarette smoking approximately four times higher than that of youth in the general population (80% vs. 20%) and a high rate of smoking persistence into adulthood. Although there has been a shift toward the ...
Virtual Reality for Enhancing the Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Obesity With Binge Eating Disorder: Randomized Controlled Study With One-Year Follow-up Recent research identifies unhealthful weight-control behaviors (fasting, vomiting, or laxative abuse) induced by a negative experience of the body,...
counselling by the clinic’s social service, initiation of youth welfare interventions, initiation of day-treatment programs, initiation of outpatient psychotherapy for the child and / or the parent, as well as support in selection an appropriate school that meets the individual needs of the child....
Therefore, youth involved in the justice system represent a particularly vulnerable population. Risk factors, such as learning difficulties, comorbid emotional and behavioural problems, substance abuse, exposure to trauma, place these youth at risk for developing serious and pervasive mental health problems...
Given the number of negative correlates associated with dieting in adolescents, identifying dieting and weight control behaviors in clinical settings may prove to be an effective strategy in the development of prevention and intervention efforts for youth. This is a preview of subscription content, log...
This chapter will focus on understanding the scope and rates of trauma for youth on IPUs, screening and assessment for trauma, treatment recommendations for youth with a trauma history and PTSD, and ways to implement trauma-informed care in these settings. In addition, given the potential for ...