United Recovery Project offers comprehensive treatment for dual diagnosis based drug and alcohol rehab, along with mental health treatments. Find the support you need and deserve. Get admitted today.
This study begins to quantify the enormous impact of the genetic determinants of disease on inpatient pediatrics and the health care system. We found that, in a full-service pediatric inpatient facility, more than two-thirds of admissions and 80% of the charges are attributable to diseases that...
The Baltimore study excluded methamphetamine-predominant SUD, recent suicide attempt, and discharge to long-term care facility. The predominant SUD type in the Baltimore study was any opioid (78.5%), whereas the substances of the current study had even distribution between any opioid (36.3%) and ...
The participants were from the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona (CHB), which is a tertiary facility that has 819 beds and a catchment area of 540,000 inhabitants within the Barcelona metropolitan area. The total inpatient population admitted at CHB from 2007 to 2014 was n = 163,587; inclusion an...
Violence from patients directed at staff or other patients is seen in almost any psychiatric treatment facility. Iozzino [33] reports the prevalence of a violence incident happening during admission in 35 different facilities, which lies between 2% and 44%, averaging 17% over these different sites...