As you begin your journey at our facility, you can expect to be treated with dignity, respect, and compassion by our masters-level clinicians and experienced staff—many of whom are in recovery themselves and know what it’s like to be in your shoes. Blythe Maynard CEO, RCA at Bracebridge...
Moskowitz, E.S.In Therapy We Trust: America’s Obsession with Self-Fulfillment; Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, MD, USA, 2001. [Google Scholar] Olsson, P.A.Adventures in Psychodrama; CreateSpace: Houston TX, USA, 2017. [Google Scholar] ...
This study begins to quantify the enormous impact of the genetic determinants of disease on inpatient pediatrics and the health care system. We found that, in a full-service pediatric inpatient facility, more than two-thirds of admissions and 80% of the charges are attributable to diseases that...
The Baltimore study excluded methamphetamine-predominant SUD, recent suicide attempt, and discharge to long-term care facility. The predominant SUD type in the Baltimore study was any opioid (78.5%), whereas the substances of the current study had even distribution between any opioid (36.3%) and ...