Development and implemen- tation of a hospitalist protocol for the evaluation of patients for alcohol detoxification. J Gen Intern Med 29(4):587-593, 2014.Stephens JR, Liles EA, Dancel R, Gilchrist M, Kirsch J, DeWalt DA. Who needs inpatient detox? Development and implementation of a ...
Are you struggling with drug or alcohol addiction or a co-occurring disorder? Get into inpatient rehab treatment today at our nearby facility in Columbus, Ohio
Are you struggling with drug or alcohol addiction or a co-occurring disorder? Get into inpatient rehab treatment today at our nearby facility in Columbus, Ohio
We will systematically search electronic databases and clinical trial registries for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining the effectiveness of pharmacological and/or psychosocial interventions for maintaining abstinence in recently detoxified, alcohol-dependent adults. The searches will be complemented ...
Who needs inpatient detox? Development and implementation of a hospitalist protocol for the evaluation of patients for alcohol detoxification. J Gen Intern Med. 2013; doi:10.1007/s11606-013-2571-5. 2. Asplund CA, Aaronson JW, Aaronson HE. 3 regimens for alcohol withdrawal and detoxific...
Avenues Recovery Center is a Alcohol Rehab & Drug Rehab providing alcohol and drug detox, inpatient drug rehab, and outpatient drug rehab nationwide.
Avenues Recovery Center is a Alcohol Rehab & Drug Rehab providing alcohol and drug detox, inpatient drug rehab, and outpatient drug rehab nationwide.
alcohol use disorderopioid use disordertreatmentscoping reviewBackground: Treatment following detoxification is recommended to promote recovery from alcohol (AUD) and opioid use disorder (OUD), yet less than half of detoxification patients attend follow-up treatment post-discharge. The current scoping ...
Cheng HY, Elbers RG, Higgins JP, et al.Therapeutic interventions for alcohol dependence in non-inpatient settings:a systematic review and network meta-analysis (protocol) [J].Syst Rev, 2017, 6 (1) :77.Therapeutic interventions for alcohol dependence in non-inpatient settings:a systematic review...
Methods:We will systematically search electronic databases and clinical trial registries for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining the effectiveness of pharmacological and/or psychosocial interventions for maintaining abstinence in recently detoxified, alcohol-dependent adults. The searches will be ...