Inpaint area:重绘区域,包括 whole picture全图、only masked仅蒙版。全图重绘是指在原图大小的基础下绘制蒙版区域,优点就是内容与原图融合的更好,缺点是不够细节;而蒙版重绘是指处理的时候将蒙版区域进行放大到原图的尺寸,画完之后再缩小放到原图的相应的位置,优点就是细节更好,缺点也是细节太多,与原图融合的不够好 ...
如果想重绘背景那需要涂抹的地方太多,只需要涂抹苹果,然后此处重绘非蒙版就可以了。 重绘区域/Inpaint area: 全图: 并不是img2img那种全图重绘,它不会改变非蒙版区域的内容,只是指蒙版在全图架构下进行重绘。优点就是内容与原图融合的更好,缺点是不够细节; 我们知道SD的绘图,尺寸越大细节越多,图像越精细。使用全图...
3)inpaint area/重绘区域:这个对应于webui代码中, modules/ 中, StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img 类的self.inpaint_full_res 成员变量。简单理解就是指定我需要送入模型初始图区域,是整张图还是mask附近的区域。 whole picture:全图送入,那么就对原图和mask按照指定的size进行resize即可 only mask: 在...
inpaint area重绘区域,whole picture全图,only masked仅蒙版。仅蒙版易翻车,没强要求还是得全图画 only mask padding pixels 仅蒙版边缘像素,默认32 inpaint sketch 这个不错 比普通inpaint多了调色盘。 输入新prompt,(5fingers,detailed hand,high five:1.2) / (easynegative:1.2),用调色板涂抹手部背景和手形状。放...
Prompt: Caftan traditionnel, morrocan style, bustier, without sleeves, haute couture, luxury, fashion design, elegant Mask mode: Inpaint masked Inpaint area: Whole picture Sampling method: Euler a Sampling steps: 25 Denoising strength: 0.8
cv_img = cv2.resize(cv_img, dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) cv_img[np.isnan(cv_img)] =0.cv_img[cv_img <0.4] =0.cv_img/=(10./255.)# cv_img/=(10000./255.)# print 'max:', np.amax(cv_img), 'min:', np.amin(cv_img)# cv_img[cv_img > 5.] = -1.# # inpa...
如果启用该Mask area Only选项,修改将仅限于指定的遮罩区域。 调整迭代滑块以使用不同的种子多次执行修复。 修复过程由扩散器提供动力。 尖端 您可以直接将修复后的图像拖放到 Web UI 上的输入图像字段中。(适用于 Chrome 和 Edge 浏览器) 要加载保存在 PNG 文件中的提示,请按照下列步骤操作: ...
run_and_save(qtapp, client, job, "test_inpaint_area_conditioning", image, mask) def test_inpaint_remove_object(qtapp, client): image = Image.load(image_dir / "owls_inpaint.webp") mask = Mask.load(image_dir / "owls_mask_remove.webp") job = create( WorkflowKind.inpaint, client, can...
This application has artificial intelligence capabilities to ensure that the area vacated by the removed item is filled with an accurate and naturally looking background, making edits seamless. Features: - One-Click Removal: With the ability of the latest AI model, effortlessly erase unwanted ...
Inpaint is a Mac app that can help you clean up images in no time, by enabling you to choose the donor area for the replacement patterns. Finding your way around the Inpaint application is fairly easy due to its organized user interface: the main area is reserved for the image canvas, ...