BMW INPA download link:!Z9BEDLYI!QLdk9LCkWF8CqmzCnVIwIA How to install: First run Stansard tools 2.12 after install Run Automatic Daten v55 to Update DONE PASS:NO Windows 10:Work nice Tested or not: The link is only tested by a few users on the N...
Douche 11:44 PM 05-11-2015 Windows version? Tried running the software in compatibility mode with win XP? QUOTE OregonDude 12:00 AM 05-12-2015 Open up your INPA/EDIABAS cable and see if pins 7 & 8 are bridged (shorted) together. If so, remove the bridge and retry connecting. ...
Windows XP (x64) 安装信息:设备类型: Printer GUID: {4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} 安装文件:\dldfprc.inf 下载驱动包 提示:有些硬件设备比较特殊,如果你发现重新安装驱动包还不行,或者安装过程中发生中断,建议先将旧的驱动包卸载干净,然后再安装新的驱动包。
and install it on Windows XP/ Vista or Windows 7/ 8/ 10 (32bit or 64bit), to get it work with K+DCAN USB cable. INPA download INPA 5.0.2… Continue Reading → BMW Diagnostic Tool bmw inpa, bmw inpa k+can, ediabas, inpa Post navigation Page:1/212» ...
Windows Vista (x64) Windows XP (x64) Windows XP (x64) 安装信息:设备类型: Printer GUID: {4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} 安装文件:\lmacwn40.inf 下载驱动包 提示:有些硬件设备比较特殊,如果你发现重新安装驱动包还不行,或者安装过程中发生中断,建议先将旧的驱动包卸载干净,然后再安装新的...