网络肌醇加氧酶 网络释义 1. 肌醇加氧酶 专业... ... 肌醇偏二磷酸 inositol metadiphosphate肌醇加氧酶inositol oxygenase肌醇磷酸甘油脂 inositol phosphoglyceride ...|基于 1 个网页
Lisko KA, Torres R, Harris RS, Belisle M, Jullian B, Vaughan MM, Chevone BI, Mendes P, Nessler CL, Lorence A (2013) Elevating vitamin C content via overexpression of myo-inositol oxygenase and L-gulono-1,4-lactone oxidase in Arabidopsis leads to enhanced biomass and tolerance to abiotic...
Noun1.inositol- an optically inactive alcohol that is a component of the vitamin B complex B complex,B vitamin,B-complex vitamin,vitamin B,vitamin B complex,B- originally thought to be a single vitamin but now separated into several B vitamins ...
myo-Inositol Oxygenase Offers a Possible Entry Point into Plant Ascorbate Biosynthesis1 A. LorenceB. ChevoneP. MendesC. NesslerPlant PhysiologyLorence A, Chevone B, Mendes P, Nessler C (2004) Myo-inositol oxygenase offers a possible entry point into plant ascorbate biosynthesis. Plant Physiol 134... oxygenase Myo-inositoloxygenase(MIOX) catalyzesoxidative cleavageof thecyclohexane ringofmyo-inositol (MI), which is a component of cell-signaling second-messenger molecules, to produce D-glucuronate (Scheme 13A).250–255This reaction is an unusual CC-bond-cleaving four-electr...
Oxygen activation by a mixed-valent, diiron(II/III) cluster in the glycol cleavage reaction catalyzed by myo-inositol oxygenase. myo-Inositol oxygenase (MIOX) catalyzes the ring-cleaving, four-electron oxidation of its cyclohexan-(1,2,3,4,5,6-hexa)-ol substrate (myo-inositol, MI) to ......
联系电话:1-516-855-7709 电子邮件 国籍:美国 产品介绍:英文名称:inositol oxygenase CAS:9029-59-8 备注:An iron protein. CB指数:58 网址: 相关信息:全球销售网络产品目录(8748)用户评价 ...
Define myoinositol. myoinositol synonyms, myoinositol pronunciation, myoinositol translation, English dictionary definition of myoinositol. n an isomer of inositol found in muscle Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014