This new edition of the Red Book clarifies and updates recommendations concerning the names and formulae of inorganic compounds and reflects major recent developments in inorganic chemistry. Moreover, it presents recommendations fully consistent with the principles of the nomenclature of organic chemistry....
Since then many new compounds have appeared, particularly with regard to coordination chemistry and boron chemistry, which were difficult to name using the 1970 Rules. Consequently, the IUPAC Commission on the Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry decided to thoroughly revise the last edition of the '...
The Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds The Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds Naming Metal Oxides Nonmetal Oxides Naming Bases Naming Acids Naming Salts Naming Metal Oxides Nonmetal Oxides 1、只形成一种化合物 分子式中第一元素名+第二元素词干+ide Naming Metal Oxides Nonmetal Oxides 2、形成2种及以上的...
文档标签: lesson 2 nomenclature of inorganic compounds 40341 系统标签: compounds nomenclature inorganic lesson electrons atoms InorganicCompoundsWritingFormulas.themegallerySystematicNamingtoomanycompoundsthemall.moreelements.Puttogetheratoms.Nameshouldtellushowmanywhattypeatoms..themegalleryPeriodicTableMorethancolumns...
TheNomenclatureofInorganicCompounds NamingMetalOxides&NonmetalOxidesNamingBasesNamingAcids NamingSalts NamingMetalOxides&NonmetalOxides 1、只形成一种化合物分子式中第一元素名+第二元素词干+ide MgO CaONa2OSiO2 magnesiumoxide calciumoxidesodiumoxidesiliconoxide NamingMetalOxides&NonmetalOxides...
Lesson 4 Nomenclature of Inorganic CompoundsLesson 4 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds 无机化合物的命名 教学要求: 1. 掌握:Lesson4 的词汇及短语 2. 掌握:无机化合物的命名,包括单质、酸、碱、盐、酸式盐、金 属氧化物,非金属氧化物,配合物等。 3.了解:lesson4 的翻译 教学重难点: 1. Lesson4 的词汇...
a systematicnomenclature(naming process) has been developed. There are, however, certain familiar compounds that are always referred to by their common names. The systematic names for H2O and NH3, for example, are never used; these vital compounds are known only as water and ammonia, ...
compounds 4 Cations able to take on more than one positive charge are labeled with Roman numerals in parentheses Cu Fe copper (I) ion copper (II) ion Cu 2+ Fe 2+ Fe 3+ iron (II) ion iron (III) ion Older sysytem *In an older system of nomenclature, such ions are named by ...
NomenclatureofInorganicCompounds(I)1SystematicChemicalNomenclature 1.1Thesystematicmethodofnaminginorganiccompoundsconsidersthecompoundtobecomposedoftwoparts,onepositiveandonenegative.Thepositivepart,whichiseitherametal,hydrogen,oranotherpositivelychargedgroup,isnamedandwrittenfirst.Thenegativepart,generallynonmetallic,follows...