国际标准刊号:ISSN0020-1669\EISSN1520-510X 期刊语言:英语 出版区域:美国 定价:0 出版地址:AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, USA, DC, 20036 期刊邮箱: 投稿网址:https://acs.manuscriptcentral.com/acs 期刊网址: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/inocaj 出版商网址: http://pubs...
The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by ...
国际标准刊号:ISSN0020-1669\EISSN1520-510X 期刊语言:英语 出版区域:美国 定价:0 出版地址:AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, USA, DC, 20036 期刊邮箱: 投稿网址:https://acs.manuscriptcentral.com/acs 期刊网址: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/inocaj 出版商网址: http://pubs...
This synthesis strategy is often called "legochemistry," because it allows one to build the hybrid assemblies by simply combining organic/inorganic materials. This method provides a number of advantages, such as better control of its structure on the nanoscale, and as a consequence it facilitates ...