Before you attempt this problem, you might want to try coding a pre-order traversal iterative solution first, because it is easier. On the other hand, coding a post-order iterative version is a challenge. See my post:Binary Tree Post-Order Traversal Iterative Solutionfor more details and an ...
inorderIterative(root); return0; } ScaricareEsegui codice La complessità temporale delle soluzioni di cui sopra èO(n), dovenè il numero totale di nodi nell'albero binario. La complessità spaziale del programma èO(n)poiché lo spazio richiesto è proporzionale all'altezza dell'albero, ch...
vector<int> inorderTraversal(TreeNode* root) { vector<int> ans; stack<pair<TreeNode*,int>> s; /*will have to maintain if left subtree has been checked for this node or not 0 for not checked 1 for checked*/ if(root){ ...
iterativeInorder(node) parentStack=empty stackwhile(notparentStack.isEmpty()ornode ≠ null)if(node ≠ null) parentStack.push(node) node=node.leftelsenode=parentStack.pop() visit(node) node= node.right Python解法 classSolution(object):definorderTraversal(self, root):#迭代""":type root: Tree...
(root->val);// visit the node once we meet itroot=root->left;}}public:vector<int>preorderTraversal(TreeNode*root){vector<int>res;if(!root)returnres;stack<TreeNode*>nodes;// store the parent node,//all nodes in the stack has already been visitedpushLeft(root,nodes,res);while(!nodes...
publicvoidtraversalInorder(TreeNoderoot){if(root==null)return;traversalInorder(root.left);System.out.println(root.val);traversalInorder(root.right);} Iterative的解法 publicvoidtraversalInorderIterative(TreeNode root){Deque<TreeNode>deque=newArrayDeque<>();firstNode(deque,root);while(!deque.isEmpty...
3. Process of InOrder Traversal Traverse the left subtree in InOrder. Visit the node. Traverse the right subtree in InOrder. 4. Implementation There can be two ways of implementing it Recursive Iterative 4.1 Recursive Solution Recursive solution is very straight forward. Below diagram will make...
代码参考: 作者:云梦士 本文版权归作者所有,欢迎转载,但必须给出原文链接,并保留此段声明,否则保留追究法律责任的权利。
As I have told you before, during the in-order traversal value of the left subtree is printed first, followed by root and right subtree. If you are interested in the iterative algorithm, you can further check thistutorialof implementing in order traversal without recursion. ...
Inorder-Tree-Traversal-Implementierung in Python Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, dieinorder-Traversierung in Python zu implementieren. Der rekursive und der iterative Ansatz. Rekursiver Ansatz Der rekursive Ansatz ist einfach zu implementieren und zu verstehen. Im folgenden Code haben wir eine...