执行ccopt_design后,innovus会长好时钟树并进行timing的优化。如果想做一个快速的CTS,即只做clustering这一步,不做balancing、clock nets routing和post-conditioning。命令如下: set_ccopt_property –balance_mode cluster ccopt_design -cts 10.报出所有skew group中最长和最短的clock path report_ccopt_skew_groups ...
ccopt_design -clock scan_clk # DFT时钟优化 (c) 处理时钟冲突 若功能时钟和DFT时钟共用时钟树分支(如MUX输出),需定义排除关系: # 在功能视图中排除DFT时钟优化 set_ccopt_property -exclude_clock scan_clk -analysis_view func_view #在DFT视图中排除功能时钟优化 set_ccopt_property -exclude_clock func_clk...
Innovus is Cadence next generation PR tool, which brings a lot of low power features to help designer implement low power design, such as GigaOpt power-driven optimization and advanced CCOPT. Improved low power physical design helps reduce 15% digital power of chip. Key words : low power;...
1.import design innovus//开启innovussource dtmf.globols//读取并执行文件中的命令init_design:生成db数据库文件 2.floorplan--打开界面上floorplan,将block移进相应区域。 3.PPPR 4.placement: place_opt_design//此处timing优化是setup 5.CTS:使时钟偏移尽可能小 ccopt_design//此处timing修的也是setup 6.opt ...
ccopt_design -cts 是不是有种so easy的感觉?2.定位最长的clock path 做完clustering后就可以知道整体tree的长度。此时我们可以通过下面的命令报出所有skew group的最长和最短clock path。report_ccopt_skew_groups -summary 我们需要重点关注最长的clock path。也可以通过下面的命令来报出max clock path的ID。get_...
ccopt-innovus ccopt_design ccopt_design [-help] [-check_prerequisites] [-ckSpec] [-cts] [-expandedViews] [-genScriptOnly filename ] [- 51465259KBRead more Innovus addEndCap 00467KBRead more Create Innovus create_ccopt_flexible_htree create_ccopt_flexible_htree [-help] [-effort {low | me...
在sink type的设置上,可将某些sink点标记为exclude pin或floating pin,以调整时钟树的长度,从而满足特定的timing要求。对clock tree中的小尺寸cell进行替换,确保时钟树的性能和效率。执行ccopt_design后,innovus会生成时钟树并进行优化,为快速的CTS提供基础。在执行CTD后,需分析时钟树的skew和path长度...
In this course, you learn how to use the Clock Concurrent Optimization (CCOpt™) technology, which is integrated into Innovus Implementation System software, to achieve the best clock tree for your power, performance and area (PPA) targets for your design. You learn clock tree theory and conc...
In this course, you learn how to use the Clock Concurrent Optimization (CCOpt™) technology, which is integrated into the Innovus Implementation System software to achieve the best clock tree for your power, performance and area (PPA) targets for your design. You learn clock tree theory and ...
早期时钟树综合功能(Early Clock Flow,ECF)是在placement阶段调用时钟树协同优化(Clock Concurrent Optimization,CCOPT)引擎创建时钟树块并在placement阶段自动优化时序时反标更准确的时钟延时[2]。这种方法能够规避由于placement看不到之后的CTS信息,导致物理上时钟树缓冲器及时钟绕线资源被占用,性能上影响CTS结果的弊端,使...