add_ndr -name ndr_2w3s -spacing_multiplier {M4:M9 3} -width_multiplier {M4:M9 2} exportNdr ndr_2w3s -lef ndr_2w3s.lef
innovus将clock net分成了3种类型:top、trunk和leaf。top指的是clock root,leaf指的是和sinks点的前一级clock cell,trunk指的是介于top和leaf之间的clock cell。 add_ndr –name $ndr_name –width_multiplier {3:6 2} –spacing_multiplier {3:6 2} –generate_via create_route_type –name TOP –top_p...
setNanoRouteMode -drouteIteration 20 2.将NDR规则设置成hard rule route阶段,默认将NDR规则当成soft rule,如果绕线资源充分的话可以将NDR设置成hard rule。下面的命令是将M3-M6的NDR设置成hard rule。 setNanoRouteMode –routeStrictlyHonorNonDefaultRule 3:6 3.添加shield net 有些signal net处于critical path...
add_ndr -name $ndr_name -width_multiplier {5:8 2} -spacing_multiplier {5:82} -generate_via create_route_type -name TOP -top_preferred_layer M8 -bottom_preferred_layer M5 -preferred_routing_layer_effort medium -non_default_rule $ndr_name -shield_net VSS create_route_type -name TRUNK ...
#90nm technology #clock tree constraints used for building and balancing the clock tree in cts stage ##creating_NDR rules: add_ndr -width {Metal1 0.24 Metal2 0.28 Metal3 0.28 Metal4 0.28 Metal5 0.28 Metal6 0.28 Metal7 0.28 Metal8 0.88 Metal9 0.88} -spacing {Metal1 0.24 Metal2 0.28 Met...
Legacy UI : show_ccopt_cell_name_infoCommon UI : report_cts_cell_name_info Below is a list of the strings used and their explanation: String
innovus自学小技巧之gui小配置 innovus⾃学⼩技巧之gui⼩配置1. innovus同时显⽰full_name和ref_name 2.innovus的std cell显⽰的颜⾊配置成icc颜⾊⼀样 3.innovus配置快捷键成和Icc⼀样 d 删除 bindKey d "deleteSelectedFromFPlan"esc 退出当前编辑状态 bindKey esc "uiSetTool select"m ...
同时要为Routing 定义 Non-Default Rules <NDRs>, NDR 可以在LEF 中定义也可以用Innovus 的命令add_ndr 在流程中定义。跟综合一样在读入LEF 时,要先读入technology lef 再读入其他LEF, 要跟library vendor 或foundry 确定拿到的LEF 是最新的,在Tech-lef 中要有routing 用到的所有VIA 的定义,如果没有,可以用...
CCMPR02058291 Stack trace during addWellTap in 18.12 and 18.13 CCMPR02058200 [CPU][NY] Crash after deleting a net CCMPR02057772 DIAG [dbWireIO.c:1562:dbiNetNotNeedToSave] during saveDesign CCMPR02057589 NR/Swapping vias does not respect hard NDR spacing besides verify_drc cannot detect the...
开启ECF时,需要CTS的常见设置,例如ndr、clock cell等等。开启ECF可以在place阶段知晓clock cell的位置,缓解congestion并保持和CTS更一致的timing。 setLimitedAccessFeature innovusEarlyClockFlow 1 setDesignMode -earlyClockFlow true 10.开启useful skew setOptMode -usefulSkew true ...