Electronic Supplementary Material Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. Supplementary Material 1 Rights and permissions Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or ot...
Architecture We start by clearly defining the scope of the architectural design project. This includes outlining the objectives, deliverables, and specific tasks that need to be completed. Consider factors such as the size of the project, the desired architectural style, and any specific requirements...
India, through a case study. It was through a systematic review and stakeholder interviews that we assessed the current waste management infrastructure, collection, and processing capabilities in these cities. The analysis concluded
In this study, the CNNLSTM architecture was rebuilt and the parameters of dropout and the batch in the CNNLSTM model were optimized by WOA algorithm to find the global optimal solution parameters. When the complete data set is run through the model once and the results are returned once, ...
of ECE, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, MG University, Kerala, India 1 23 VLSI Architecture for Impulse noise Removal using Modified Conditional Median Filter FEMINA SHEREEF, ANN JOSE M.Tech Scholar, Dept. of ECE, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, MG University, Kerala...
Based on the need of local society and economy development, the botanic garden site is located in an abandoned mine, the technique and material of construction will base on ecological ideas, the art of building and sculpture are closely around the theme of environment protection and sustainable ...
The field of digital health, and its meaning, has evolved rapidly over the last 20 years. For this article we followed the most recent definition provided by FDA in 2020. Emerging solutions offers tremendous potential to positively transform the healthca
A 2023 study by IBM Consulting profiled hybrid cloud practices used by organizations and found most to be implementing a siloed 'hybrid by default' approach. Leading enterprises have embraced a 'hybrid by design' architecture to leverage common platforms and practices throughout environments. The ...
Courard L, Vallas T (2017) Using nature in architecture: building a living house with mycelium and living trees. Front Archit Res 6:318–328 Article Google Scholar Karana E, Blauwhoff D, Hultink EJ, Camere S (2018) When the material grows: A case study on designing (with) mycelium-...
[199]. Given their flexibility in design, well-defined architecture, and wide range of sources for cellular materials, organs-on-chips represent an excellent and adaptable model system to study a wide array of diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, liver disease,...