Katie McClarty
首先,STEM教育是培养未来科技人才的关键。通过STEM教育,学生可以获得科学、技术、工程和数学方面的知识和技能,这些知识和技能是创新和解决问题的基础。STEM教育不仅关注理论知识的传授,更注重实践和创新能力的培养。 其次,STEM教育促进了跨学科的融合。在STEM领域,各个学科之间的界限逐渐模糊,学科交叉成为常态。这种跨学科...
导读 在2023年9月,Nature Genetics刊登了Rodriguez-Meira团队的研究成果,在人源造血干细胞/祖细胞中应用TARGET-seq技术,将分子和表型分析与等位基因分辨率突变检测相结合,证实了在携带TP53突变的骨髓增殖性肿瘤(MPNs)中,慢性炎症信号驱动TP53突变,进一步促进发生突变的细胞存活和遗传进化。该研究不仅揭示了单细胞多组学技术...
以通讯/第一作者在Science,Molecular Cell,PNAS,Signal Transduct Target Ther等期刊发表多篇文章。 https://www.hi.umn.edu/research/faculty/chuanhe-yu-phd/ 往期推荐
(PRIVATE/PUBLIC FUNDER). Agrivi was presented in three global market research reports (MEDIA). Furthermore, the Ministry of Agriculture of Alberta, Canada (PUBLIC AUTHORITY), used Agrivi as a role model for farm management software, as did the Association of young farmers of the United States...
Interview with Mr. Alexandre Vacher, the CEO of Laboratoire Sintyl Since 1974, Laboratoire Sintyl, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, has been synonymous with innovation, pioneering research, testing and production, and excellent quality and safety. P
In May 2018, theHKSARGintroduced theTechnology Talent Admission Scheme(TechTAS). This provides fast‑track arrangements for overseas and mainland research and development talent. In order to nurture I&T talent, theHKSARGhas been actively promoting STEM education. A number of measures have been impl...
stem cell research in a way that promotesbothscientific innovation and the public good. Admittedly, we do not address all issues faced by stakeholders in this arena; we have tried to target challenges faced by multiple stakeholders and for which we could develop concrete and actionable ...
Community-driven growth Te appetite for the use of technology in events varies between research communities. Stewart at Cold Spring Harbour, for example, says those working in genomics are particularly tech-savvy because of the need for advanced computational skills in the feld. "Tey are probably ...
“college-level courses” because other students had been preparing all this time. But it turns out that InLab’s rigor – through intensive research, original creation, and project-based learning is fantastic preparation for just about anything you need. When I took these classes, I realized ...