soil management, and conservation agriculture can help sequester carbon in ecosystems. Technical strategies such as renewable green energy, carbon capture and storage, and energy efficiency can reduce GHG emissions from human activities.
“A panorama of rivers and mountains” of materials. From ancient times to the present, human civilization has had a long history, through the ages of stone, iron, industry, and information, which is closely related to the use, creation, and development of materials. From clay to pottery, ...
BRI and GDI underpin Sino-Arab development 【光明时评】传统产业转型升级大有可为 在服贸会探寻中美经贸关系真相:与中国“脱钩断链”并不容易 国际最新研究称,海洋热浪对底栖鱼生物量的影响有限 北京生态环境状况公报发布 十年来大气主要污染物浓度快速下降 海南侨乡琼海拟筹建华侨历史展览馆 征集琼海华侨华人相关...
soil management, and conservation agriculture can help sequester carbon in ecosystems. Technical strategies such as renewable green energy, carbon capture and storage, and energy efficiency can reduce GHG emissions from human activities.