这个参数的作用是:InnoDB使用后台线程处理数据页上读写I/O(输入输出)请求的数量。 在MySQL5.5.X版本中,或者说是在InnoDB Plugin1.0.4以后,就用两个新的参数,即innodb_read_io_threads和innodb_write_io_threads,取代了innodb_file_io_threads如此调整后,在Linux平台上就可以根据CPU核数来更改相应的参数值了,默认...
Description:To avoid downtime and to ease testing, please make these settings dynamic: mysql> set global innodb_read_io_threads=8; ERROR 1238 (HY000): Variable 'innodb_read_io_threads' is a read only variable mysql> set global innodb_write_io_threads=8; ERROR 1238 (HY000): Variable 'inn...
# On Unix, increasing the number has no effect; InnoDB always uses the default value. ### 5.5 innodb_read_io_threads=4 # (default) innodb_write_io_threads=4 # (default) --- root@ : (none) 10:46:59> show variables like 'innodb_%io%threads'; +---+---+ | Variable_n...
write thread #而在5.5, 总共有10个FILE_IO线程 (insert buffer thread) * 1 (log thread) * 1 (read thread) * 4 (write thread) * 4 有了更多读写线程的支持,也相应地增加了INNODB更大的并发能力; 期待5.5版本的更快成熟; 标题名称:mysql5.5参数--innodb_read(write)_io_threads...