innodb_data_file_path用来指定innodb 共享 表空间文件,如果我们不在My.cnf文件中指定innodb_data_home_dir和innodb_data_file_path那么默认会在datadir目录下创建ibdata1 作为innodb tablespace。 虽然不指定innodb_data_home_dir和指定它为空显示是一样的,但是作用确不一样,如果不指定那么所有的innodb tablespace 文...
innodb_data_home_dir = innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M;/data/mysql/mysql3306/data1/ibdata2:12M:autoextend note:如果想为innodb tablespace指定不同目录下的文件,必须指定innodb_data_home_dir =。这个例子中会在datadir下建立ibdata1,在/data/mysql/mysql3306/data1/目录下创建ibdata2 如果我不指...
虽然不指定innodb_data_home_dir和指定它为空显⽰是⼀样的,但是作⽤确不⼀样,如果不指定那么所有的innodb tablespace ⽂件只能存放在datadir⽬录下。如果显⽰指定为空,则可以为innodb tablespace ⽂件指定不同的路径 1. 在同⼀个路径下指定多个innodb tablespace ⽂件 1)在my.cnf⽂件指定...
bin/mysql_install_db--user=mysql 就报了usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: unknown variable ‘innodb_data_home_dir=/usr/local/mysql/var/’错误。 之前从来没有过,百思不得其解,Google了一下,发现原来是最新的MySQL默认不带innodb引擎。 于是重新编译,在configrue的时候,加上–with-plugins=innobase这个参数...
Description:Separated tablespace files are not located in 'innodb_data_home_dir'. Documentation says following: innodb_data_home_dir The common part of the directory path for all InnoDB data files. The default value is the MySQL data directory. If you specify the value as an empty string, yo...
I found that the value for innodb_data_home_dir was not in the updated my.ini file. A diff of the old and new files showed this and the change to the strict mode setting as the only two differences in the files. As I use a custom location ( entered through the wizard during instal...
I was'nt able to repeat that ay my side (see below) notice that the Server Configuration Wizard needs that you select the option for the InnoDB path and there is a combo with several options. #*** INNODB Specific options *** innodb_data_home_dir=E:/Data/ # Use this option if you...