首先,确保你的Inno Setup安装目录或你的脚本目录中有FindProcDLL.dll。 然后,在UninstallRun部分(或其他适当的位置)添加代码来查找进程: pascal [Code] #include "FindProcDLL.pas" // 包含FindProcDLL库的pascal脚本文件 function UninstallPreviousVersion(): Boolean; var ResultCode: Integer; hProcess: Cardinal...
名为 msvcr110.dll,而 Visual Studio 2013 使用的 CRT 是第 12 版,名为 msvcr120.dll。
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2000296/innosetup-how-to-automatically-uninstall-previous-installed-version I have used the following. I'm not sure it's the simplest way to do it but it works. This uses{#emit SetupSetting("AppId")}which relies on the Inno Setup Preprocessor. If you don...
SetupAppRunningError=安装程序检测到 %1 正在运行!%n%n请立即关闭其所有实例,然后点击“确定”继续,或者点击“取消”退出。 UninstallAppRunningError=卸载程序检测到 %1 正在运行!%n%n请立即关闭其所有实例,然后点击“确定”继续,或者点击“取消”退出。
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2000296/innosetup-how-to-automatically-uninstall-previous-installed-version I have used the following. I'm not sure it's the simplest way to do it but it works. This uses {#emit SetupSetting("AppId")} which relies on the I...
安装程序的图标可以通过设置 [Setup] 段的 SetupIconFile 进行更改。要设置卸载程序的图标,设置 UninstallIconFile。 可以用 Inno Setup 创建一个带条件的安装程序吗 - 例如,仅在某个注册表键或文件存在时进行? Inno Setup 4 添加了支持这个的新 Pascal 脚本功能。
What version of Windows can Inno Setup run on? Inno Setup can be used on a computer running Windows 11 or Windows 10. Previous versions of the OS shouldn't be a problem with Windows 8 and Windows 7 having been tested. It comes in both 32-bit and 64-bit downloads. Filed under: In...
- Changed command line option -i to list all supported Inno Setup versions (formerly -l)2024-11...
1、setup 这个是最主要的section,和你程序相关的大部信息在这个程序的entry(入口,其实就是那个directive name)里面设置,数目相当多。这些entries可以分为三类。 Complier-related(和编译器相关),就是生成你的exe文件的各种选项。 Compression:这个定义了生成时应该怎样压缩文件,种类自查,默认为lzma2/max ...