很多C/S开发领域的同学或多或少都可能会遇到需要制作安装包的场景,打包的工具也是五花八门,例如有NSIS、InstallShield、Wix Toolset、ClickOnce等等,这里以Inno Setup为例简单演示下如何构建安装包,以及在Visual Studio中编译程序时自动去构建这个安装包。 操作演示# Tips:如果是想自动化构建,建议先从文章尾部开始看起,...
Inno Setup is a tool, designed for creating professional installation programs, which can run on all Windows platforms between Windows 2000 and Windows 8 (this includes business versions of this OS, with 32 and 64-bit versions also fully supported). Although this open-source program can be used...
Tips:为避免编写代码调试时编译速度过慢,最好还是要在生成后事件中加上Release模式的判断,当解决方案中有很多个项目时,或编译目录依赖文件过多的情况下,Inno Setup构建的会有点慢。 5. 结语 Visual Studio中的生成事件其实是一个很实用的东西,可以在编译前、编译后自动化执行一些经常需要人为手工操作的事,比如还可...
Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent 更改完脚本之后,运行脚本,即可重新生成安装包,然后安装 test_setup.exe(和正常软件一样,直接下一步),安装完之后,桌面会出现一个图标,这是我选择...
VSCode选择了Inno Setup VSCode为开发者提供了两个版本的安装程序 一个是User Installer,一个是System Installer Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows 这两个安装包的区别是: User Installer是为当前用户安装的,安装路径是: C:\Users\liuxiaolun\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code ...
Used byMicrosoft Visual Studio CodeandEmbarcardero Delphi. Home Page:https://jrsoftware.org/isdl.php 开源主页:https://github.com/jrsoftware/issrc 下载地址 开源软件安装包制作打包 Inno Setup v6.2.2 for Windows+汉化版 https://pan.quark.cn/s/b9032cbd42c4 ...
Please install Inno Setup and proceed to the next step . copy this script into the built-in editor of the inno setup and, with minor modifications, become the installation script for your VB6 software Apricot studio all rights reserved, Liu Fufeng, please keep the file intact when you reprint...
很多C/S开发领域的同学或多或少都可能会遇到需要制作安装包的场景,打包的工具也是五花八门,例如有NSIS、InstallShield、Wix Toolset、ClickOnce等等,这里以Inno Setup为例简单演示下如何构建安装包,以及在Visual Studio中编译程序时自动去构建这个安装包。 2. 操作演示 ...
一、模板代码 基本功能包括多路径安装、多语言、自定义图标。 [Setup] ShowLanguageDialog=yes AppC...
the installer - inno setup V5.19 finished version download address: click here to download Inno Setup download, please search Inno Setup keyword, the Chinese people have finished this software, thanks to the finished Author: Teng Shengguang Please install Inno Setup and proceed to the next step ...