n.inoculación, vacunación, inmunización, acción de administrar sueros, vacunas u otras sustancias para producir o incrementar inmunidad a una enfermedad determinada. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 inoculation ninoculaciónf ...
n. An estrogenic hormone, C18H24O2, that is produced by the ovaries and is the dominant naturally occurring estrogen in women between puberty and menopause. It is used to treat menopausal symptoms and other conditions. [estra-,estrogenic hormone(fromestrus) +di-+-ol.] ...
INNO Models 1/64 合金 5月预售新品 INNO64 BOX SET COLLECTION - TOYOTA CELICA 1600GT No.67 NIPPON GRAND PRIX 1972 Driven by N. Tachi - TOYOTA CELICA 1600GT No.68 NIPPON GRAND PRIX 1972 Driven by K. ...
See Ninno's production, company, and contact information. Explore Ninno's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
作为2008年初创的公司,N.E.W目前在韩国市场份额排名第四,大部分员工是来自韩国三大影视公司(CJ娱乐、SHOWBOX、乐天)。在电影选择上,其眼光独到精准。去年投资发行的《七号房的礼物》超过一千万观影人次,改变了韩国大发行公司一统天下的局面。 以内容取胜的华策看上同样注重编剧的N.E.W,可谓惺惺相惜。业内人士指...
Das HEMS dient dazu den Eigenverbrauch für Einfamilienhäuser zu maximieren. Das Leaflet HEMS ist die zentrale Steuerbox zwischen den Stromverbrauchern im Haus u…
13Rise to Silence 14BoX-Z (Ninno Mancini Remix) 15Desolator (Original Mix) 16Extrude (Original Mix) 17Extremus (Original Mix) 18COVID 19Seek To Find 20Poison 21How Do You Know 22Tereus 23Eso Mismo 查看更多内容,请下载客户端 立即下载 打开客户端 腾讯...
HK inno.N Corporation: Calmtop RTU Inj. (Irinotecan) product description in CPHI Online, the leading product and company search engine in the global pharma industry.
Legal AddressC/O Vistra (Cayman) Limited, P. O. Box 31119, Grand Pavilion, Hibiscus Way, 802 West Bay Road 大开曼岛 KY1-1205 Cayman Islands language: zh Headquarters Address陆家嘴环路1333号 浦东新区 CN-SH 200126 China language: zh